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Latest news  Press room

December 5 2006

Brussels: Symposium on access to information in Québec and European institutions

Lack of information and the insufficient transparency of European institutions have been cited as reasons for certain countries’ reluctance to adopt the proposed European constitution, and the issue of access to government information is the topic of numerous debates among European information professionals and politicians. At the initiative of the Délégation générale du Québec à Bruxelles (Québec Government Office in Brussels), a symposium on issues related to access to government information is being held today in the European capital. It will be attended by journalists and information professionals, as well as European Parliament political staff and civil servants.

The participants and speakers will focus in particular on Québec’s legislative approach to information access and privacy protection.

The symposium will be moderated by Paul-André Comeau, former editor-in-chief of the Montréal daily Le Devoir and president of the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec (CAIQ), who is now a professor at the École nationale d’administration publique (ENAP). The guest speakers will include current CAIQ president Jacques Saint-Laurent and Kathleen Lévesque, a journalist with Le Devoir.

The event is supported by the Canadian Mission to the European Union.

More information
Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec

Policy on privacy
Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006