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Organization chart
(PDF, 25 ko)

2005-2007 Strategic Plan
(PDF, 346 ko) [French only]

Annual management
(PDF, 511 ko) [French only]

Statutes and Regulations



  • Promote and defend Québec’s interests internationally.
  • Plan, organize and lead efforts abroad by the government and its departments and agencies.
  • Coordinate international relations efforts in Québec by the government and its departments and agencies.

  • Ensure the coherency of international efforts by government departments and agencies with respect to international issues and the government’s objectives, in order to optimize the effectiveness of such efforts and consolidate Québec’s international credibility.  
  • Offer services adapted to the needs of government partners and society in general.

Issues and orientations

  1. Conducting international relations in order to contribute to the development and reputation of Québec society.

  • Propose and deploy coherent, effective efforts aimed at promoting and defending Québec’s interests.

  1. Information and communications as instruments for enhancing Québec’s international reputation.

  • Implement communication strategies in order to provide information for foreign groups and individuals interested in Québec and inform Quebecers about Québec’s international efforts.

  1. Management as a contribution to organizational performance.

  • Manage resources in compliance with governmental and departmental objectives and adjust services to changing issues and needs.


Last updated: 2006-10-18

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Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006