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International solidarity  

The Ministère des Relations internationales (MRI) supports joint efforts by Québec civil society and Southern communities aimed at fair, sustainable development. Efforts in this area are deployed in partnership with Québec international cooperation organizations with experience in development assistance.

Most of these organizations are members of the Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI), a major MRI partner. The organizations’ missions focus on human development, cooperation and international solidarity. Located in various regions of Québec, they are actively involved in a number of developing countries, particularly in French-speaking Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

The MRI collaborates with over 60 organizations on development projects, international solidarity fieldwork and initiatives designed to heighten Quebecers’ awareness of development issues.

- List of MRI international cooperation partners

The MRI’s commitment to international solidarity has led to tangible initiatives such as the following:

How to reach us:

Direction du développement international, 525, boulevard René-Lévesque Est, Québec (Québec) G1R 5R9 - Telephone: (418) 649-2341 - Fax: (418) 649-2664 - E-mail:
