Assistance for International Students

The Government of Québec offers a number of services to help international students enrol in or complete their studies in Québec:

CÉGEPs and universities also offer services and bursaries for international students.


You may address your questions to the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport or the Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles, as well as the Québec delegation or Canadian embassy or high commission in your country. For information about programs, enrolment criteria and other aspects related to your studies, contact the establishment that you are enrolled in or that you would like to attend. For more information on postsecondary studies in Québec, contact the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport by mail, telephone or fax :

Direction des affaires internationales et canadiennes
Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
1035, rue de la Chevrotière, 18e étage
Québec (Québec) G1R 5A5
Telephone : (418) 644-1259
Fax : (418) 646-9170

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Exemptions from additional tuition fees

A limited number of international students from countries with which Québec has signed tuition fee agreements may be exempted from paying the additional tuition fees normally charged to international students. These students pay the same tuition as students from Québec. They are responsible for paying any other expenses, including health and hospitalization insurance.

Exemptions are granted in keeping with the provisions of the agreement set out in the respective tuition fee agreements. The exemption applies to 30 credits per year, which is the normal duration for a program offered in a Québec postsecondary learning establishment. Exemptions are granted one term at a time.

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Merit scholarship program

The goal of the merit scholarship program for international students is to promote the international impact of Québec university education and research activities. The program is made available to professors and researchers at postsecondary establishments who want to attract high-calibre students, researchers and administrators. Three types of scholarships are available :

  • Scholarships for doctoral studies
    Scholarships for doctoral studies are available for a maximum of three years. They are awarded to the most deserving international students.
  • Scholarships for postdoctoral studies
    Scholarships for postdoctoral studies are available for one year. They are offered to young international students who have obtained a doctorate in the last three years and have proven scientific research skills.
  • Scholarships for professional development and scientific research
    These scholarships allow researchers and career administrators to accept invitations to participate in middle-term or long-term projects for a period of up to four months. This Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport program is managed by the Fonds québécois de recherche sur la nature et les technologies (FQRNT).

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for a merit scholarship, candidates must have their application submitted by a professor or researcher from a Québec university. The FQRNT appoint juries to assess the applications and award the merit scholarships.

For more information, see the FQRNT Web site.

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Work-study program

The goal of the work-study program for international students is to provide support for international students whose studies are already under way and who are facing financial problems due to an exceptional situation. The program is open to full-time international students enrolled in the fall and winter terms who are required to pay the additional tuition fees charged to international students. Special rules apply for the summer term.

The maximum annual salary paid under the program cannot exceed the additional tuition fees charged to the international student.

The individual educational institutions are responsible for deciding the program acceptance criteria, identifying the types of jobs offered to participants and setting participants' wages. Program participants may not be required to work more than 15 hours per week.

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