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Institutions and Programs

Below is the list of Québec universities and CÉGEPs and programs.

Once you have decided where you would like to study, you must send your application to the school, CÉGEP, private college or university of your choice yourself, either over the Internet or by regular mail. Be sure to submit your application as early as possible, preferably before March 1 for the school year beginning in September. The personnel at the educational institution of your choice will provide you with the necessary forms and, if required, information on the following :

  • Admission criteria
  • Tuition fees
  • Health insurance
  • Cost of living and rent in Québec
  • Language tests

Fill in and submit the enrolment form provided to you by the chosen educational institution. If you are accepted, you will receive a letter to this effect. You must have a letter of acceptance from an educational institution in order to request a study permit.

Québec Universities

Universities enjoy a great deal of autonomy. They are free to decide on their own areas of study, develop their own teaching and research programs, set their student admission and registration criteria, award degrees and hire all of their personnel.

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The CEGEP student body includes both youth and adults. The college network coprises :

  • 48 public colleges
  • 11 colleges associated with orther government departments
  • 68 private colleges (some of which receive funding from the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport)
  • two private colleges established under international agreements

See the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport site for the list of colleges.

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* In French only