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Liaison RRQ News - An infoletter from the Régie des rentes du Québec

Our infoletter will allow you to receive regularly, by e-mail, information capsules on subjects of interest.

Financial planning for retirement

How to make financial plans for your retirement and better understand the sources of retirement income on which you will be able to rely.

Québec Pension Plan

Get all the necessary information on the Plan's retirement pension, disability benefits and survivors' benefits.

Supplemental pension plans ("pension funds")

For those with an interest in pension plans: administrators, employers, plan members and retirement specialists.

Locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs) and life income funds (LIFs)

Get the latest news about LIRAs and LIFs, whether you're a retirement specialist or as the holder of an LIRA or an LIF.


For parents who want to know all about child assistance payments and the Régie's other programs and services for children.

Read the latest issue.

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