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L'Association des établissements de réadaptation en déficience physique du Québec (AÉRDPQ), known in English as the Quebec Association of Rehabilitation Establishments for the Physically Impaired, regroups 21 establishments located throughout Quebec from the health and social services network that offer specialized and ultra-specialized rehabilitation services.


The Association's primary mission is to promote and support access to rehabilitation services and to ensure that individuals with a motor, visual, hearing or speech and language impairment - whether congenital or acquired - receive the services they require to maintain or enhance their autonomy, as well as to maximize their potential in society.


All professionals working in these establishments use an interdisciplinary approach, with the goal of reducing and compensating for the disabilities of physically impaired individuals so they can lead full, active lives like all members of society. Rehabilitation establishments serve about 70,000 physically impaired people annually.