
Research funding is administered through two offices - Research Services and the Government Research Infrastructure Programs (GRIP). For information on how to locate, apply for and manage research funding from granting agencies, foundations, internal programs, industry, and prizes and awards, please see the links below. For information on funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Canada Research Chairs (CRC), Genome Canada (GC), and the Ontario Research Fund (ORF), please visit the GRIP section.

Finding Funding

Community of Science
Connaught Fund Programs
Funding Opportunities Database
Funding Opportunities for Undergraduate Students
Granting Agencies
Internal Programs (includes Life Sciences
Committee, Self-Funded Grant and U of T Excellence Awards)
Ministry of Research and Innovation
Prizes and Awards

Research Partnerships


Applying for Funding

Application Forms
Submitting a Grant Application

Upcoming Deadlines

CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC Competition Deadlines

Government Research Infrastructure Programs (GRIP)

(includes CFI, CRC, GC and ORF)

International Funding Opportunities: International Research Development

How to locate international funding opportunities (includes NIH funding information)

Managing Funding

Post-award Process

Your Funding Status

My Research Online
Research Information System