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The links below provide answers to the questions most often asked about the following topics:

Contact Us:

International Aid

The Direction du développement international (international development department) of the Ministère des Relations internationales supports many organizations involved in international cooperation. To receive aid to carry out a development project in French-speaking Africa, Latin America, or the Antilles, you must contact one of these organizations directly.



- For Québec Students
To apply for financial aid to study outside of Québec, you need to contact the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. You can also consult the youth programs offered by the Secrétariat à la jeunesse.

- For Foreign Students
Québec has entered into international agreements to exempt foreign students from tuition fees. The Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport has produced an information document on this topic. You can also receive aid in preparing and continuing your education in Québec.

Employment Opportunities

The Ministère des Relations internationales does not keep the curricula vitae that it receives. Permanent and casual jobs are filled by public recruitment competitions conducted by the Ministère du Conseil du trésor.


Agreements / Accords

Québec has signed social security agreements with 29 countries. If you have worked in one of these countries, you may be eligible for certain benefits. There are also mutual recognition and exchange agreements, without a qualification examination, for driver licences issued by Québec and the partner country. The Index of international agreements is only available in French. If you would like to obtain a copy of an agreement in another language, please email us at :

Immigrating to Québec

Any questions you may have about immigrating to Québec or integrating into Québec society should be directed to the Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles, which is responsible for immigration issues, whether on a permanent or temporary basis.


Québec Promotional Items

If you are organizing a trip for student groups or sports teams, and you would like to have promotional items such as flags or pins, please consult the Publications du Québec catalogue.


Government publications that are international in scope can be consulted online. You can also receive a copy of a publication produced by the Ministère des Relations internationales by contacting us.


Department Internships

The Ministère des Relations internationales relies on internship coordinators at the various universities to select interns. Get in touch with the internship coordinator at your university if you would like to add your name to the list of candidates.

Internships Abroad

If you would like to experience international solidarity by working for an international cooperation organization, learn about the international labor market, study a language elsewhere, or discover the Americas, France, Brussels, or Wallonia, you can sign up for a youth internship (« Practical experience » section).


Our Contact Information

In Québec:

Ministère des Relations internationales
du Québec
Édifice Hector-Fabre
525, boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Québec (Québec) G1R 5R9
Telephone: (418) 649-2300
Fax: (418) 649-2656

In Montréal:

Ministère des Relations internationales
du Québec
380, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 3X7
Telephone: (514) 873-6708
Fax: (514) 873-7825

Web Site Creation

This Web site has been created by the Direction des services en ligne. Each Department administrative unit is responsible for updating content.


Web site Team

Head Nathalie Maheux
Webmaster and Coordinator of Departmental Web Sites Alain Lessard
Assistant Webmaster of the Web Sites for Québec
Offices Abroad
Francine Lemay
Assistant Webmaster of the Institutional Web Site Michèle Paradis
Webmaster Réjean Godbout

External Collaboration

Integration and programming Prospection
Graphic Design Ose Design
Site Hosting Fusepoint
Search Engine Delphes



Last updated : 2006-10-24

Policy on privacy
Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006