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Québec Government Office in London
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What support can you offer me ? 

The Québec Government Office in London supports local promoters, producers, distributors and presenters for the promotional costs of working with artists from Québec. Our programmes cover the following countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Please contact Céline Gagnon for assistance and information. A decision takes about six weeks so please leave enough time. Promotional costs that qualify are print, press, publicity, receptions, workshops, talks and any reasonable and related promotional activity. Please note that no organisation receives more than 50% of the overall costs from us. 

Can you pay for me to go to Québec ? 

For British partners, the Québec Government has a joint exchange agreement with the British Council and it is possible that a visit to Québec be partially or totally funded under this scheme. To be eligible, you must intend to enter into some form of collaboration with one or more artists or cultural organisations from Québec. The British Council also funds some visits by Britons who are planning to tour or produce in Québec. 

For British and all other partners we may be able to assist with a one-off travel grant if you intend visiting Québec or elsewhere in Europe to look for work to put into your own organisation's programme or to seek a production partner. There is also a visits scheme for journalists, and several Québec festivals have a budget for overseas buyers, media and journalists – we may be able to help you get on to their list. Visits money exists to prime the pump and repeat funding is very unusual. 

I need money to pay for the hotel and travel costs of Québec artists.

Any money destined for artists from Québec is held in Québec and distributed via a jury system. Consequently the Office in London is unable to assist with hotel, travel, per diems or fees for artists from Québec. To gain access to these funds it is the artists or organisations themselves that must make the request. If you send a letter of invitation or simple 'intention to invite' to the artists or group concerned, they will then be able to approach the CALQ - Arts Council of Québec (performing and visual arts) or the SODEC (cultural industries) with a request that these bodies meet their travel and subsistence costs. The deadlines for application are usually around 15 September of each year. 

My budget is insufficient. Can you help ? 

We have to assume that if you wish to buy cultural products from Québec, or work with our artists, that you have the means to do so. You will understand that we are unable to distribute Québec taxpayers’ money to local organisations in difficulty. 



Last updated : 2006-05-05

Québec Government Office in London

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006
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