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Québec studies and publications - Québec Government Office in London

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Study Centres and Academics Associations
Books, Journals, Music videos and Archives, General
Academic publishing in Québec
Government publications


Study Centres and Academics Associations

Centre for Québec Studies (University of Leicester)
Established in 1997, the Leicester Centre for Québec Studies is the first such centre in the UK. The Centre aims to promote and develop the study of Québec both within the University of Leicester and amongst a wide public. Through its programme of conferences, lectures, seminars, and cultural events, it provides information and resources on Québec's history, culture and society. The Centre organises an annual conference, which is held in October.  Director: Christopher Rolfe, Modern Languages, University of Leicester.  

Research and study group on French Canada (Groupe de recherches et d'études sur le Canada français) – University of Keele The group, which forms  network of Québec specialists in the UK, organises an annual one-day conference on Québec (usually held in the spring). For further information please contact: 

Dr Ceri Morgan, Department of Modern Languages, Keele University, Keele Straffordshire ST5 5BG

Centre for Francophone Studies (CFS) – University of Leeds
The aim of the Centre for Francophone Studies is to provide a multi-facetted approach to the history, politics, cultural production, sociolinguistics, post-colonial experiences, migrations, and development of Francophone countries. It is responsible for the taught M.A in Francophone Studies, which offers a course on Québec Film and Theatre. It also offers students the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the activities of the CFS, such as the quarterly publication International Journal of Francophone Studies, an annual conference, workshops, and translation focused on francophone texts.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
The main purpose of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies is to promote and co-ordinate research and postgraduate studies on the Commonwealth in the social sciences and humanities. The Institute which is part of London University provides a national and international focus and a forum for teachers and graduate students with Commonwealth research interests, through the provision of seminars, conferences and symposia, library facilities and academic advice.

British Association for Canadian Studies (BACS)
31 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HA. President: Professor Rachel Killick
Administrator: Ms Jodie Robson


University of Edinburgh Centre of Canadian Studies
21 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LD.  Director of Canadian Studies: Dr Annis May Timpson

University of Leeds Regional Centre for Canadian Studies
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT. Director of Canadian Studies: Professor Rachel Killick

University of Birmingham Regional Centre of Canadian Studies
American & Canadian Studies Department, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT. Director of Canadian Studies & Lecturer in Canadian Studies: Dr Danielle Fuller

Queen's University of Belfast Centre of Canadian Studies
Belfast BT7 1NN, Directors of the Centre: Dr Steve Royle

Cambridge University Canadian Studies Initiative

Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1ER Chair, Cambridge Canadian Studies Initiative Steering Committee: Dr Michael Bravo

University of Nottingham Canadian Studies ProgrammeDepartment of American & Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD. Coordinator of Canadian Studies & Lecturer in Canadian Literature:Dr Susan Billingham


University of Hull Canadian Studies Programme
University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull HU6 7RX. Committee on Canada: Dr Simon Lee

Canadian Studies in Wales Group (CSWG)

University of Swansea, Department of History, Singleton Park
Swansea SA2 8AH. President: Professor Muriel Chamberlain
Secretary: Dr Rhys Williams (European Business Management School, University of Wales, Swansea). Chairman: Professor Colin Williams (Department of Welsh, University of Wales Cardiff, Cardiff CF1 3XW)

London Conference for Canadian Studies
Department of Geography, University College London, Chairman: Dr Richard Dennis.

Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland
– Association d'études canadiennes en Irlande - Association d'études canadiennes en Irlande, Department of French, University College, Cork, Cork, Ireland, Chair: Dr Vera Regan

Nordic Association for Canadian Studies
(NACS) – Association nordique d'études canadiennes

Canadian Studies Centre Centre d'études Canadiennes (University of Aarhus, Denmark). Manager: Elisabeth Lauridsen

Centre of Canadian Studies French Department, University of Stockholm, Director: Françoise Sule, French Department, University of Stockholm

Centre de Documentation et d'Études Francophones
(Francophone Documentation and Study Centre) – University of Odense, Denmark, Director: Jacques Caron, French Department, University of Odense

Association internationale des études québécoises (International Association of Québec Studies)
The AIEQ's mandate is to promote the development of Québec studies around the world. It offers research and publications grants and supports academics who wish to set up courses about Québec. It also encourages the participation of academics in international conferences on Québec. Through its network of Québec specialists, it promotes co-operation between researchers who share an interest in Québec studies.

Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences – French-Canadian Association for the advancement of science (Acfas)

Société québécoise de science politique – Québec Association of Political Science
Programme d'études sur le Québec (Université McGill) – Québec Studies Programme (McGill University), 3460, rue McTavish, Bureau 314, Montréal (Québec) H3A 1X9, Tel: 514 398 3960, Fax: 514 398 3959

Centre de recherche sur l'immigration, l'ethnicité et la citoyenneté – Research Centre on Immigration, ethnicity and citizenship (CRIEC)

Groupe de recherche ethnicité et société (Université de Montréal) – Research Group on Ethnicity and Society (Montréal University)
For more information, please contact: gres@ere.umontreal.ca

Centre d'études sur la langue, les arts et les traditions populaires des francophones en Amérique du Nord (CÉLAT) – Centre for the study of the language, arts and popular traditions of North American francophones

INRS – Culture et société

Institut québécois des hautes études internationales – Québec Institute of International Studies

Centre d'études québécoises de l'Université de Montréal – Montréal University Centre for Québec Studies (CÉTUQ)

Québec Studies programme (University of Montréal)

Centre de recherche en littérature québécoise – Research Centre on Québec Literature (CRELIQ)

Books, Journals, Music videos and Archives

Bibliothèque nationale du Québec (Québec National Library)

Archives nationales du Québec (Québec National Archives)
1210, avenue du Séminaire, Case postale 10450, Sainte-Foy (Québec) G1V 4N1, Tel: 418 644 3906, Fax: 418 646 0868

Guide de culture et de littérature québécoises – Québec Culture and literature guide
A reference book on Québec containing bibliographies of works in social sciences and literature. It contains a directory of academic associations, research groups, and organisations offering funding for research on Québec. It also provides information on how to obtain books and films about Québec and is written in five languages, including English and Swedish. It is available from any of the bookshops mentioned below.

Librairie Champigny
For information or orders, please contact: champign@mlink.net

Librairie du nouveau monde


Institute of Commonwealth Studies

British Library
As part of its commitment to representing the nations of North America within its collections, the British Library makes extensive acquisitions from the published output of French Canada. The vast majority of the British Library's French-Canadian holdings are from and about Québec.  Moreover, the British Library's holdings on Québec are the largest in Western Europe.  For further information about the French-Canadian collection, please contact Desmond McTernan

Réseau informatisé des bibliothèques gouvernementales du Québec (Network of Québec Government Libraries)
This website offers access to a range of specialised research libraries in the social sciences and humanities.

Library of the Québec Government Office in Paris
The library's documents can be borrowed through Inter-library loans. For more information, please contact: Mrs Ursula Matlag, Librarian,
Fax: +33 1 40 67 85 79

Canada House Library
Canada House Library is open from 10am to 1pm Monday to Friday. It contains a collection of Québec books donated by the Office of the Governement of Québec in London. Services offered include inter-library loans.  For an appointment, please contact the Librarian, Teresa Cowan, on 020 7258 6493.


International journal of Québec Studies

Cahiers du CÉLAT

Études françaises
Département d'études françaises, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, Case postale 6128, Succursale Centre-ville, Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7, Tel: +1 514 343 6929, Fax: +1 514 343 2232

Canadian Journal of Political Science

British Journal of Canadian Studies

For membership information please contact the Administrative Secretary, British Association for Canadian Studies, 21 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LD.
Tel: +44 0131 662 1117. Fax: +44 0131 662 1118.
E-mail: jodie.robson@ed.ac.uk

International Journal of Francophone Studies (Department of French, University of Leeds)
L'année francophone internationale


Cinémathèque québécoise (Québec Film Library)

La boîte noire

Canadian Film Distribution Centre
Please contact: Canada-acsus@plattsburgh.edu/video/catalph.htm

Office national du film – National film board (ONF)



Québec info musique

Academic publishing in Québec

Laval University Press – Presses de l'Université Laval

Montréal University Press – Presses de l'Université de Montréal

Québec University Press – Presses de l'Université du Québec

McGill-Queen's University Press




Last updated : 2006-08-22

Québec Government Office in London

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006
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