Demographic, Economic and Financial Perspectives

Demographic, Economic and Financial Perspectives 2006-2030

On 22 September 2006, the Régie des rentes du Québec held a seminar entitled Demographic, Economic and Financial Perspectives 2006-2030. This seminar was part of the preparations leading up to the Actuarial Report of the Québec Pension Plan as at 31 December 2006. Led by Mr. Pierre Plamondon, Chief Actuary, the seminar was attended by 180  actuaries, economists and other specialists from various organizations.

The opinions of the various persons who attended the seminar will assist the Régie's actuaries in preparing the demographic and economic assumptions needed for the next actuarial report.

The following five topics were addressed:

  • Migratory trends in Québec
    Mr. Alain Bélanger, Assistant Director
    Census Subject Matter Program
    Statistics Canada

    Using population projections for 2006-2056 prepared by Statistics Canada, a look at the various migratory scenarios and the factors that could influence these projections. What trends can we expect with respect to inter-provincial migratory movement?

  • Changes in life expectancy in Québec: recent trends and perspectives
    Mr. Robert Bourbeau, Director and Full Professor
    Département de démographie
    Université de Montréal

    A look at the change in life expectancy at age 65  over the past years. What are the forecasts for life expectancy in men and women? Will the narrowing of the gap between the life expectancy of men and women that has been observed over the past years continue?

  • Methods of transition from work to retirement: findings and expected trends
    Mr. Frédéric Lesemann, Director
    Groupe de recherche sur les transformations du travail, des âges et des politiques sociales (TRANSPOL)
    Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) Urbanisation, Culture et Société

    What shape will the process of retiring from the labour market take over the coming decades? How will the behaviour of baby boomers change as they approach retirement, given their large numbers and the increase in life expectancy? What factors will impact phased retirement?

  • Impact of globalization and ageing of the population on the economy and financial markets
    Mr. Maurice N. Marchon, Full Professor
    Institut d'économique appliquée
    HEC Montréal

    How will the economy adapt to globalization and the ageing of the population in industrialized countries, and more specifically, in Québec? What effect will the retirement of the baby boomers have on the labour market? What will be their repercussions on monetary policy, financial markets and pension plans?

  • Productivity and wages in Québec: long-term perspectives
    Mr. Marc Van Audenrode, Vice President
    Analysis Group, Inc

    Over the coming two decades, what will be the determining factors affecting wage increases and productivity? Given the labour shortage, will the expected increases in productivity result in a corresponding increase in wages?

Interested in these topics?

If you would like a copy of the presentation documents (French only), simply send an e-mail to the seminar organizers.