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Québec in the Usa
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Québec and the U.S. Market

An Economy Integrated with the North American Market

 The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has opened a huge market to Québec: in 1988, prior to NAFTA, Québec’s international exports accounted for 21% of GDP;  today, they account for 37% of GDP.

 More than 80% of international exports are shipped to the U.S., which bought more than $63.7 billion worth of merchandise from Québec in 2005.

 The strength of the trade relation between the U.S. and Québec is confirmed by the ranking of U.S. economic partners. Québec is the seventh-largest exporter to the American market after the U.K. and ahead of South Korea.

 Québec is also an excellent customer of the U.S.: it ranks fourth as an export market, ahead of China, the United Kingdom, Germany and South Korea.

Source:  "Economic and Financial Profile of Québec 2006"  (pdf)

For more information about  trade and investment opportunities in Québec,  please contact one of our offices in the U.S.   For more information on the advantages of locating your business in Québec, please contact Invest Québec.




Last updated : 2006-10-02


Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006
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