Ontario East Economic Development

PhotographsHigh Value, Low Cost
  Place to do Business!

December 13, 2006

Welcome to Ontario East—a High-value, Low-cost Place To Do Business

Ontario East offers you a highly motivated workforce, low costs,
premier market access, a fine quality of life–and more.

Our workforce has the skill and initiative to help a business prosper. We have well developed road, rail and air access–and nearby seaway access–to vast Canadian and U.S. markets, as well as those of the rest of the world. With our lower operating costs and low taxes, we offer generous R&D; tax credits. Here, the choice is yours–large or small community, city or country life.

Join the 2 million people who live in our 200-plus communities– and our thousands of businesses– and invest in a future in Ontario East.

Eastern Ontario Automotive Parts Manufacturers Summit A Resounding Success

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  “In working with our local educators and training facilities, we hope to build the skills and capability that will afford the opportunity for all businesses to thrive and grow here.” dmti Spatial Inc.  
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