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General Delegation of Quebec in Brussels
The Office
Doing Business in Europe
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Doing business in Europe

In Montréal, the Euro Info Centre Relais (EIC) is part of a businesswatch network with 265 other EICs in Europe, under an agreement signed in the context of economic cooperation between Québec and the Wallonia Region. In collaboration with the five EICs in the Wallonia Region, it enables businesspeople to obtain all types of commercial information relating to the European Union:

  • advice for companies,
  • European business and research groups seeking partners,
  • standardization and C.E. marking
  • community regulations,
  • single currency,
  • European programs,
  • calls for tender,
  • single market,
  • assistance, procedures and financing.

You can contact the Euro Info Centre Relais de Montréal at:

Ministère Développement économique, Innovation et Exportation
Euro Info Centre Relais MDEIE
380 St-Antoine ouest, étage 05-NE
Montréal (Québec)  JH2Y 3X7

Contact  person: Mme Inji Yaghmour
Tél.: 514 499-2199, poste 3027
Fax: 514 873-1540



Moreover, as part of its industrial cooperation initiatives with the Wallonia Region, the ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche and the Agence Wallonne à l'exportation (AWEX) offer a programme d'accords industriels, or PAI (an industrial agreement program) that facilitates the process of identifying potential partners and provides financial assistance. Brochures are available from the General Delegation of Québec in Brussels, AWEX and the ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce du Québec.


Last updated: 2006-07-13


General Delegation of Québec in Brussels

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006
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