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Régienet  On-line services

Child assistance

Direct deposit
(Choose one of 2 methods)

Use our non-personalized service. Go to the service

Information about the service
Use our personalized service.
User code required (the address we have in your file will be displayed on-screen).
Go to the service

Information about the service
Change in frequency of child assistance payments Request quarterly or monthly payments of your child assistance Go to the service

Information about the service

Change of address
(Choose one of 3 methods)

Use our non-personalized service. Go to the service

Information about the service
Use our personalized service.
User code required (the address we have in your file will be displayed on-screen).
Go to the service 

Information about the service
To send your new address to several ministries and agencies, use the Service québécois de changement d'adresse.  
Calcul@ide Calculate the amount of the child assistance payments that you could be entitled to depending on your family situation. Go to the service
List of given names Find out the most popular names given to newborns in Québec. Go to the service
Liaison RRQ Receive our electronic infoletters, bulletins and magazines by e-mail. Sign up for the service

Information about the service  
Forms See all the forms available to make other applications or requests. Use the forms

Information about the forms
Publications Consult or order our publications about child assistance. Use the publications

Information about the publications

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