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Declaration of services  

The Ministère des Relations internationales promotes and defends Québec’s political, economic, social and cultural interests abroad. It provides the Government of Québec and its departments and agencies with advice in the area of international relations, and coordinates Québec’s relations with numerous foreign governments and international organizations. The department has thus developed an array of products and services aimed primarily at its government partners.

The department also offers a certain number of programs and services designed for individual citizens, institutions and companies.

If you are

  • a student at the master’s or doctoral level interested in foreign fieldwork
  • an international organization interested in deploying and coordinating fieldwork for young Quebecers
  • a company or institution interested in participating in Québec missions led by the Premier
  • an institution interested in participating in bilateral cooperation programs negotiated with foreign partners
  • a citizen who wants to find out more about the department’s activities

we will be pleased to provide you with you the services you need. We have set ourselves the following service objectives.

Our general objectives

Service quality

In our offices in Québec and abroad, attentive employees will process your requests respectfully and courteously.


We protect the confidential nature of personal information that you provide to us.

Access to information that concerns you

We make sure that you have access to full information about programs and services designed for you, and answer your requests for information about the department and its activities.

  • You can reach us in Québec City at (418) 649-2300, or in Montréal at (514) 873-6708. This telephone service is available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
  • You can also contact us by e-mail.

Your requests for information will be processed carefully and promptly, as follows:

  • If you contact us by telephone, we answer your questions immediately or tell you how to reach the best person to provide you with the requested information.
  • If you e-mail us, we answer your message within four working days.

Our specific objectives

Our programs and corresponding services


The Government of Québec has signed cooperation agreements with a number of foreign governments. Designed to meet the signatories’ shared interests, these agreements encourage cooperation in priority areas identified with our foreign partners.

  • We provide participating institutions with high-quality services to help them develop and implement cooperation projects within the framework negotiated with our foreign partners. We also offer operational support for project deployment.
  • We notify institutions that submit projects of the results of our analysis within 15 working days following the end of negotiations with foreign partners.

International assistance

The department’s international assistance efforts are based on a twofold approach. The Humanitarian Action Assistance Program is designed to support Québec-based international cooperation organizations’ efforts abroad to help populations in need.

Québec Without Borders is a program that initiates young Quebecers to international cooperation fieldwork. Participants’ stays abroad are deployed and coordinated by international cooperation organizations.

For programs requiring the participation of Québec organizations, we fairly and transparently select projects from the proposals submitted by organizations.

International Governmental Organization Internship Program

This program is aimed at master’s and doctoral students. It allows participants to carry out internships with certain international governmental organizations, in line with needs identified on a yearly basis.

  • We fairly and promptly select candidates for these internships.
  • Candidates can expect to receive a reply about their eligibility within five working days of officially filing their application.
  • For candidates who have been granted an interview, our goal is to provide a reply within ten working days following the interview.

Québec missions

  • Our Bureau des missions provides the logistic and organizational services required by companies and institutions that take part in missions abroad led by the Premier.
  • The quality of these services is very high. To enable us to do everything possible to improve our service offer, at the end of each mission we ask participants to evaluate the services they have received.

If you have any comments about the quality of our services or feel that the above-described standards are not consistently applied, please let us know. The department’s Secretary General is interested in receiving your comments and suggestions and will process any complaints within 15 working days of receipt of your letter.

Contact information:

Ministère des Relations internationales
525, boulevard René-Lévesque Est, 3e étage
Québec (Québec) G1R 5R9
Telephone: (418) 649-2335

This declaration of services has been in effect since April 1, 2001. It is updated on a yearly basis.


Last updated: 2006-09-29

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Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006