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Chapter 4
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Fostering Québec‘s growth
and prosperity

International trade plays a vital role in the development of Québec’s economy. On the one hand, exports represent over 50% of its GDP and account for 30% of jobs. On the other, 24,6 % of private investments are made by foreign companies. Over the past few years, Québec has witnessed a decline of its exports on several markets. It therefore needs to work toward consolidating the progress it has made in the United States and Europe and ensuring the diversification of its economic partners. Moreover, to maintain its place among the advanced and emerging nations investing in R&D, the Government of Québec has established the goal of attaining an R&D rate equivalent to 3% of GDP. To achieve this objective, Québec will need to enhance its international research partnerships, attract investments by offering researchers an appealing environment, and facilitate obtaining world research mandates.

Lastly, although attracting foreign investments and market development are fundamental to the vitality of Québec’s trade, they will not have lasting effects unless Québec has an upcoming generation of entrepreneurs and a skilled labour force capable of working in an increasingly international environment. This labour force challenge will be at the forefront over the coming years. In order to stay in the race, Québec will therefore need to take steps with regard to immigration, training, knowledge, and innovation.

To achieve this goal, the Québec Government will centre its initiatives on three priorities:


Strengthen and increase economic exchanges with the United States and Europe, and diversify trade by branching out to certain expanding markets:

Key Initiatives

  • In the United States, Québec will concentrate its efforts on four sectors in particular: trade, security, energy, and the environment. It will especially strive to work with Eastern Seaboard and Mid-West states to develop cross-border partnerships and identify normative and regulatory obstacles that impede trade. Additionally, Québec will increase its economic presence in Washington and Atlanta.
  • In Europe, Québec will seek to develop business opportunities in five high potential sectors in Western European countries (aerospace technology, construction, life sciences, information and communication technologies, and the environment). It will take advantage of the new opportunities afforded by European expansion and support businesses in adapting their products to European standards.
  • To diversify its export markets, Québec will concentrate its efforts on five expanding markets where it will step up its presence and target its initiatives: Mexico, Japan, China, India and Brazil. To increase the likelihood that businesses succeed in these markets, support will focus particularly on facilitating project start-ups and mergers.
  • New initiatives will also aid export businesses and attract investments:
  • Support for exporting Québec’s expertise and know-how by encouraging the development of an integrated offer in key sectors and by collaborating with the École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP) to create a centre for the international promotion of Québec expertise.
  • A new strategy for promoting and prospecting foreign investments.
  • Measures for helping Québec’s companies set up operations abroad with the aim of increasing sales and developing business partnerships.
  • Support for regions that have adopted an integrated international action plan, particularly for developing their niches of excellence.



Make knowledge, innovation, and education core elements of international initiatives:

Key Initiatives

  • Increase funding allotted to international research partnership development and attracting foreign researchers.
  • Intensify and better coordinate the international promotion of Québec’s educational opportunities, in collaboration with universities.
  • Restructure tuition exemption scholarship programs for foreign students to attract more candidates to university postgraduate programs and a greater number of students to college-level technical programs.
  • Develop an integrated public offering with regard to education services in order to support educational reforms and the development of education systems, with special emphasis on emerging countries.
  • Expand international internship opportunities for young people and increase support for youth entrepreneurship projects abroad.



Attract more qualified immigrants and facilitate their integration into economic life:

Key Initiatives

  • Improve the recognition of foreign academic degrees and qualification by concerted actions between Québec government, professional orders and institutions of higher learning.
  • Target promotional and recruitment efforts abroad based on Québec’s identified labour needs, with special emphasis on the priority areas of Latin America, and Eastern and Western Europe.
  • Increase the number of prospective business immigrants invited for an exploratory visit to Québec.
  • Increase the number of foreign partners in French language education to enable immigration candidates to begin their linguistic training before arriving in Québec.


Last updated : 2006-08-25

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Ministère des Relations internationales

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006