Frequently asked questions
Child assistance measure
General questions
General questions
What is the child assistance?
Child assistance is a refundable tax credit administered by the Régie des rentes du Québec. It is paid directly to families with dependent children under age 18.
The measure has 2 components: the child assistance payment and the supplement for handicapped children.
It replaces the following Québec measures:
  • family benefits
  • the non-refundable tax credit respecting dependent children
  • the tax reduction for families
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Who makes child assistance payments?

The Régie des rentes du Québec.

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Who is entitled to child assistance?

All Québec families with one or more dependent children under age 18 are entitled to the child assistance payment. The beneficiary (or his or her spouse) must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident or otherwise have legal status in Canada.

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Do I have to make an application to receive child assistance payments?

If you have a dependent child under age 18 and you have not received a notice from the Régie, you must complete the Canada Child Tax Benefit application form from the Canada Revenue Agency.

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How is the amount of my child assistance payment calculated?

The amount of your child assistance payment is based on:

  • the net family income. This refers to the combined total of both spouses' income, as shown on line 275 of their Québec income tax returns for 2005.
  • the number of dependent children under the age of 18
  • the type of family (single-parent or two-parent)
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How much is the child assistance payment?
Number of children
Maximum assistance
Minimum assistance*
1 child 2 049 $ 575 $
2 children 3 073 $ 1 105 $
3 children 4 097 $ 1 635 $
4 children 5 633 $ 2 165 $
Each additional child 1 536 $ 530 $

For single-parent families, a supplement of not less than 287 $ and up to a maximum of 717 $ is added to the basic child assistance payment. You can use Calcul@ide to find out how much could be paid to you, depending on your situation.

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Are child assistance payments indexed?

Yes. The minimum and maximum child assistance payments are indexed each year on 1 January.

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When will the Régie des rentes du Québec inform me of the amount of the child assistance payment to which I am entitled?
In May and June of each year, the Régie will send all Québec families with a dependent child under age 18 an annual notice of child assistance. The notice will indicate the amount that will be paid from 1 July of the current year to 30 June of the following year.
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Is child assistance taxable?

The child assistance payment and the supplement for handicapped children are not taxable. Moreover, they cannot be transferred or seized.

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Will the Québec government grant Québec families the tax reduction for families and the non-refundable tax credit respecting dependent children?

No. In January 2005, the tax reduction for families and the non-refundable tax credit respecting dependent children was replaced with the new child assistance program. Therefore, those 2 measures were paid to eligible families in 2004 for the last time.

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How is child assistance more advantageous than the former family allowance program?

Most families will find the new measure advantageous. You can compare the new measure with the old program for the main types of families. You will see increased benefits at several income levels.

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Will I pay more tax in 2005 because I will no longer receive the reduction for families?

Child assistance replaces Québec family allowances, the non-refundable tax credit respecting dependent children and the tax reduction for families.

Most families will benefit from the new measure compared with the former program. You can compare the new measure with the old program for the main types of families. No family will receive less than what they received previously in the form of tax deductions.

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How much is the supplement for handicapped children?

The supplement for handicapped children is 161,50 $ a month, regardless of the family income. The supplement for handicapped children will be indexed every year.

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What exactly is the increase in the supplement for handicapped children, as announced by the Québec government during the 2005-2006 Budget Speech?

On 1 January 2006 , the non-refundable tax credit for dependent children with an impairment was replaced by an increase in the supplement for handicapped children of 37,50 $ a month. Contrary to the tax credit, which only helped families that pay income tax, the increase helps all families that are eligible for the supplement.
Currently, the supplement for handicapped children is the same for everyone, that is, 161,50 $ a month, regardless of family income or type of handicap.

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Is the supplement for handicapped children paid in addition to the child assistance payment?
Oui, pour les familles qui ont droit au supplément pour enfant handicapé.

Si vous êtes inscrit au dépôt direct, les montants du paiement de soutien aux enfants et du supplément pour enfant handicapé sont déposés dans votre compte en 2 opérations.
Si vous les recevez par chèque, les 2 montants sont additionnés et émis sur le même chèque.
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If I am receiving social assistance (welfare), will the amount of the child assistance payment that I receive be reduced?

There is no specific reduction for families receiving social assistance. The amount of the child assistance payment is determined on the basis of the income shown on line 275 of your Québec income tax return. If you have a spouse, his or her income is added to yours for calculation purposes.

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I have joint custody of my child, how is the child assistance payment made?

In the case of shared custody, the amounts can be paid to one parent for a period and to the other for another period, whether or not the parents have an agreement.

In this case, you must contact the Canada Revenue Agency by telephone, at 1 800 387-1193.

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Who is the minister responsible for applying the child assistance measure?

The Minister of Families, Seniors and the Status of Women, Ms. Carole Théberge, is the minister responsible for the Régie in matters related to the administration of the child assistance measure.

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What will happen when my child reaches 18 years of age?

The Régie will terminate payments for that child as of the month following the month of his or her 18th birthday.

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