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Publications and forms
Frequently asked questions
Use of publications and forms
Use of publications and forms
How do I get Acrobat Reader in order to consult PDF documents on-line?
You can download a free copy of Acrobat Reader to consult PDF documents.
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Can I read and use PDF documents with any version of Acrobat Reader?

No. The documents are optimized for version 5.0 or later of Acrobat Reader. If you have an older version, you may have problems filling out our forms. We suggest that you download a more recent version.

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Can I send you a PDF form by Internet?
No. You must print it and send it to us by mail. However, we suggest that you fill out the form on-screen, before printing the form, in cases where that method is available.
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Why can't I save the information in a PDF form?
Due to security reasons, you cannot save the information that you entered on our PDF forms.
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What do I do if a problem occurs while printing a PDF document?
If possible, try using another printer. If the problem persists, contact the Régie and tell us which document you cannot print.
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