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Notice - Appointments to Boards and Committees PDF

Application Form - Appointment to a Board or Committee PDF



Police Services Board
The Leamington Police Services Board is directly responsible for the provision of police services in the municipality. Pursuant to the Ontario Police Services Act, the Board is comprised of 5 members; two appointed by the Province, and three appointed by the Municipal Council.

The Leamington Police Services Board holds regular meetings once a month at the Leamington Police Station, 7 Clark Street.

Essex Region Conservation Authority
The Essex Region Conservation Authority was established in 1973 to manage the natural resources of the Essex Region in partnership with our member municipalities and the Province of Ontario. Our nine member municipalities include the City of Windsor, County of Essex and the Township of Pelee Island.
Leamington Council is required to make 2 appointments for representation at ERCA. The appointments can be members of Council or members of the public.

Meetings are held once a month at the Essex Civic Centre.

Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority
As appointed representatives, Directors are charged with the responsibility of establishing policies and making policy decisions which will govern the operation of the Authority. Conservation Authority staff are responsible for implementing those policies. There is one Director representing each municipality except for Chatham - Kent (3). Directors are appointed for a 3 year term and can be reappointed.
Meetings of the Board of Directors are generally held on the last Thursday of every other month commencing in February at the Chatham Administration Building of the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority.

Committee of Adjustment
Leamington Council has established a Committee of Adjustment pursuant to the Planning Act and delegated authority to the Committee to consider applications for minor variances to the Municipality’s zoning by-law and to grant consents for lot severances.

The Committee is comprised of five members of Council. The Committee holds regular meetings once a month in the Council Chambers.

Property Standards Committee
Council enacted a property standards by-laws which provides for a Property Standards Committee comprised of three members of Council to consider appeals from orders issued by the Property Standards Officer.

Meetings of this committee are only required when someone appeals such an order.

Leamington Uptown Business Improvement Area
The Leamington Uptown Business Improvement Area was created by a by-law of the Leamington Council. Pursuant to that by-law, 2 members of Council are to sit on that Committee.

Meetings of this Committee are held at the call of the Chair.

Union Water Joint Board of Management
Pursuant to a Provincial Transfer Order, Leamington together with the Municipalities of Kingsville, Essex and Lakeshore are the joint owners of the Union Water Supply System.

Pursuant to that order, Leamington is presently entitled to appoint 6 members and 1 alternate. Although not required by the Order, all of the municipalities have appointed members of Council as their representatives.

Meeting are held on the third Wednesday every month at the Town of Kingsville, Council Chambers.

Leamington Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC)
The Ontarians with Disabilities Act provides that municipalities must establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee. The Committee shall advise Council in each year about the preparation, implementation and effectiveness of the Municipality’s Accessibility Plan. The Committee shall also carry out all obligations of an Accessibility Advisory Committee as established by the Ontarians with Disabilities Act as amended.

The Committee is made up of 1 member of Council, 1 professional from the community and three residents with disabilities or such members as Council deems appropriate.

The Committee meets quarterly at the Kinsmen Recreation Sports Complex or at the Real Canadian Superstore Community Room.

Court of Revision – Drainage Act
The Drainage Act requires that Council appoint 5 members to a Court of Revision. In Leamington, Courts of Revision are held regularly for Drainage Act matters but are held during Council meetings.

Court of Revision – Local Improvements
A Court of Revision is also required when the Municipality proceeds with projects pursuant to the Local Improvement Act and the local improvement provisions under the Municipal Act.

The Municipality is required to appoint 5 members of Council to the Court of Revision.

These meetings will also be held during Council meetings.


Animal Control
There is an existing agreement between the Town of Kingsville and the Municipality of Leamington for the control of dogs and wildlife.

Council is required to appoint two members to this Committee.
The Committee meets at the call of the Chair.

Erie Shores Community Transit
The municipalities of Leamington and Kingsville, together with the South Essex Community Council, operate a transit service for the frail, elderly and handicapped. The agreement provides for an Advisory Committee and Leamington is required to appoint 2 members.

Essex Power Corporation
Pursuant to an agreement among the municipalities of Leamington, LaSalle, Amherstburg and Tecumseh, the Essex Power Corporation was formed to provide hydro-electric services to those communities.

Each municipality appoints one Council member and one member of the public to the Board of Directors.

Meetings are scheduled quarterly.


Leamington Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce is a catalyst - a vehicle through which business and professional people work together for the common good of the community. A better community means better business conditions, and the chamber works for a better community for everyone.

Council is requested to appoint one member to the Board of the Chamber of Commerce.

Meetings are held once a month at the Chamber Office.

Point Pelee Advisory Committee
Leamington have had representatives on the Point Pelee Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide local input into what services and opportunities should be provided at Point Pelee National Park for people living in this area.

Council is requested to appoint one member to the Point Pelee Advisory Board which makes recommendations about the operations of the Park.

This Committee meets on the second Thursday of every other month at 7:00 p.m. at the Park.

Essex County Farm Safety Council
Council is requested to appoint one member to this organization, which provides advice to the Ministry of Agriculture on farm safety issues.

Essex County Agricultural Liaison Committee

A forum for discussion on agricultural related matters in Essex County.  A sub-committee of the Government Services Committee under the Planning Services Section.  The County requested a Leamington Councillor to sit on this committee.

Meetings are held at the Essex Civic Centre six times per year.

Leamington Non-Profit Housing

To review concerns with the Non-Profit Housing in Leamington.  This corporation requested one Councillor to sit on this Committee.

Migrant Worker Cultural Program

This Committee was formed to meet the migrant workers' social and recreational needs.  The committee requested one Leamington Councillor to sit on the committee.

The Committee meets the second Wed of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Arts Centre.



The following committees have been created to provide advice and recommendations to Council.

Economic Development Advisory Committee
The Economic Development Advisory Committee was established and given a mandate “to create a competitive economic development environment in the Municipality of Leamington” and to provide recommendations on establishing and implementing an uptown revitalization plan.

The Committee is comprised of three members of Council and a number of members of the community, specifically including the business community.

The Committee meets on the third Wednesday of every month at the Town Hall.

ErieQuest - Diving Tourism and Marine Heritage Committee (ErieQuest Website)
This Committee was originally formed to assist in the promotion and preservation of the shipwrecks off the shores of Leamington.

The Committee is comprised of several members of the public and one Councillor.

The ErieQuest Committee meets on the third Wednesday of every month.

Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
The Municipality has established a program that provides family counseling to its employees and their dependents. The Committee practices to promote health and wellness.

The Committee consists of approximately 5 employees selected from the various departments of the Municipality and one member of Council.

Meetings are held quarterly to plan activities and programs. The meetings are usually scheduled on weekday mornings.

Community Social Planning Council
Serving Leamington and Kingsville and funded by the United Way, the Community Social Planning Council’s mandate is to be the community’s conscience for social issues, plans and community development and to help create a better quality of life for the citizens of Leamington and Kingsville.

The Community Social Planning Council has one Council representative.

Arts Advisory Committee
This committee was established to review the recommendations outlined in the dmA Performing Arts Feasibility Study. There are a number of members of the public on this committee together with one member of Council.

It is suggested that the work of this committee is almost complete so that in addition to re-appointing all members of Council, that the members of the public who are also committee members be re-appointed for 2004 until the work is completed.

Outdoor Sports Facility

This committee was formed to complete the business plan mandate for the new outdoor sports facility.  This meeting meets upon the needs of the committee.

Volunteer Recognition

This committee meets approximately three times a year to review and recognize the volunteers in Leamington with assists the Municipality.



Member of Federal Parliament (M.P.)
Dave Van Kesteren (Chatham-Kent Essex )

15 Princess Street
Leamington, Ontario

N8H 2X8
(519) 326-5781; fax: (519) 326-2042

Member of Provincial Parliament (M.P.P.)
Pat Hoy (Chatham-Kent-Essex)
111 Heritage Road, Suite 100
Chatham, Ontario
N7M 5W7
(519) 351-0510 fax: (519) 351-7714
Queens Park: (416) 325-9099
For federal and provincial government listings, please refer to Leamington's on-line Entrepreneurship Guide.

"Building on the Past ... Preparing for the Future"