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Mission and vision

The mission of the Ministère des Transports du Québec is to ensure the mobility of people and goods throughout Québec on safe, efficient transportation systems that contribute to the sustainable development of Québec.

The Department is the leader in transportation in Québec. It is committed to offer competent and innovative management of the systems over which it has direct responsibility. It relies on close cooperation with its public and private partners to offer appropriate and functional transportation systems to the population and businesses.

Field of action

The Department prepares policies on transportation services, networks and systems and recommends them to the government. These policies are materialized through the following activities:

  • Planning, designing and carrying out construction, improvement, repair, maintenance and operating activities on the road network and other transportation infrastructures under its responsibility;
  • Providing technical and financial support to municipalities to maintain and repair the local road network;
  • Supporting passenger transportation systems, in particular urban public transit, adapted transportation and marine and air transportation in the regions;
  • Developing and implementing transportation safety programs;
  • Supporting the transportation of goods by encouraging intermodality and the use of different transportation modes (road, rail, water and air).

From its budget, the Department supports the following two agencies:

  • Commission des transports du Québec, an agency whose activities are intended to increase public safety in road, marine and rail transportation and the preservation of the road network, in addition to regulating economic activity in several fields of transportation so as to ensure the availability and quality of services;
  • Société des traversiers du Québec, which ensures transportation services by ferry for passengers and vehicles.

Moreover, to enable the Minister to assume his responsibilities regarding the Capitale-Nationale region, the Department also supports the following two organizations from its budget:

  • Bureau de la Capitale-Nationale, which has the mission of contributing to the development and diversification of the capital’s economy and adapting government action to the region’s special context;
  • Commission de la capitale nationale du Québec, which has the mission of contributing to the development of Québec’s capital, promoting Québec as the place where Québec political power is exercised, and advising the Government on the enhancement of the capital’s status.


Any person or business that may use transportation systems is a client of the Ministère des Transports, whether directly or not. This includes

  • Road network users: motorists, truck drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians
  • Users of urban and intercity mass transit, school bus transportation, paratransit, and taxi services
  • Off-road vehicle operators
  • Heavy truck owners and operators
  • Right-of-way area residents
  • Public utility companies
  • Users of railways under provincial jurisdiction
  • Users of maritime and air services funded by the Department
  • Remote communities
  • Users of piers, ports, and airports administered by the Department


To fulfill its mission, the Department relies on a number of partners, including

Public partners

  • Municipalities, regional county municipalities, and urban communities
  • Public transportation bodies, intermunicipal transportation boards, and municipal and intermunicipal transportation agencies
  • The Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec
  • The Government of Canada and the organizations under its direct or indirect jurisdiction (Transport Canada, Environment Canada weather services, ports, airports, etc.)
  • Police services
  • Other Government of Québec departments and organizations
  • Governments of other states and provinces
  • Research and education organizations

Private partners

  • Road, rail, maritime, and air transport companies
  • Consulting engineering, building construction, and engineering construction companies
  • Transportation, carrier, shipper, contractor, and motorist associations, etc.
Status Report and Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities

As stipulated in the Act to Secure Handicapped Persons in the Exercise of their Rights with a View to Achieving Social, School and Workplace Integration, every ministry or organization that employs at least 50 persons and every municipality that has more than 15,000 inhabitants must adopt an action plan designed to promote the integration of handicapped persons into their community.

The document entitled Status Report and Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities, which was produced by the Ministère des Transport du Québec (MTQ), identifies the existing barriers to the integration of persons with disabilities, and describes the initiatives that have been taken and the measures that are contemplated by the MTQ in an effort to reduce these barriers. It explores targeted fields of activity, including:

  • accessibility of facilities and infrastructures;
  • reception services, communications and documentation;
  • recruitment and employment support;
  • research and development;
  • planning;
  • availability and adaptation of transport services.

To consult the Status Report and Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities:

If you would like more information, please contact:

  • the Direction des communications (communications office), at 1-888-355-0511
  • or the Direction du transport terrestre (ground transportation office), at 418-644-9140
    (extension 2227).
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Last modification of this page: 2006-11-23
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© Gouvernement du Québec, 1999