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Nord-du-Québec Transportation Plan 


The Ministère des Transports is in charge of developing the transportation plan. Its strategy centres on participation by representatives from the milieu in every stage of the development process. The tour currently under way is an opportunity to reach out to the Cree, Inuit and James Bay populations in an effort to learn about their concerns. During the tour, various players from the milieu will be called upon to participate in the development process from beginning to end.


A regional steering committee was set up in conjunction with the plan. The committee, which is chaired by the director of the Abitibi-Témiscamingue–Nord-du-Québec branch, will supervise the plan, ensure follow-up, and approve the steps in the plan and related documents. All nations and communities are represented on the steering committee. Representatives from five government departments also sit on the committee, along with two representatives from each of the population groups.

Three advisory committees were also formed. Their mandate is to find out the concerns of the milieu and to validate or clarify certain data. The committees are each composed of representatives of a specific population group – namely, the Cree, Inuit and James Bay population groups. It should be noted that the Naskapi are represented on the Inuit advisory committee by the Kativik Regional Government, on which they sit.

Players in the transportation and regional development fields in coastal areas (or areas with similar characteristics) – namely, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, the Côte-Nord, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, Ontario, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Nunavut and Greenland – will have to be approached in order to facilitate comprehension of the transport situation in the Nord-du-Québec region and the factors interacting there.

In recent years, all means of transport have been substantially developed in the Nord-du-Québec region. In a context in which a number of projects are being promoted, the formulation of a transportation plan is of major importance.

By analysing all aspects of the current situation and foreseeable developments, the stakes involved and the directions to be taken can be determined and, as a result, an action plan for all means of transportation can be developed. Working with representatives from the milieu will make it possible to work out a vision for the future regarding the development of transportation in the Nord-du-Québec region.

The challenges of transportation planning

Needs-adapted, efficient transportation, communication and energy networks are essential to support socioeconomic development in the Nord-du-Québec region. Three major challenges must be taken up in establishing a transportation network in such a context.

Find solutions adapted to the Nord-du-Québec region

The long distances between towns, singular climatic conditions, a traditional economy and the high cost of living are just some of the factors that make it necessary to come up with new solutions in order to meet transportation needs in this region. In addition, the demographic growth and unprecedented development under way in the region hinder assessment of the long-term transportation demand. The Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) acknowledges that all stakeholders must pool their expertise regarding transportation in northern regions to find solutions adapted to the challenge of moving persons and freight are to be found.

Set intervention priorities from a reconciliation perspective

Transportation intervention in northern regions sometimes means reconciling needs as varied as ensuring food safety, generating new business opportunities, adapting regulations or training local workers. Consequently, the development-related increase in transportation demand and the MTQ’s limited investment capacity make devising mechanisms for prioritizing intervention and sharing responsibilities indispensable. The MTQ plans to maintain its partnership with the representatives of the provincial and federal governments, and with those of the Cree, Inuit, Jamesian and Naskapi communities, in order to ensure that transportation needs are reconciled.

Think globally and take long-term action

The Ministère des Transports du Québec is currently working on a transportation plan for all of the Nord-du-Québec region in order to determine, with regional stakeholders, intervention priorities and the solutions best adapted to the region. It is therefore essential, in this context, to go beyond the sector-based and modal transportation framework in order to ensure effective, global and sustainable intervention.

Progress report

Preparatory stages

  • Tour of villages and municipalities
    • Establish the committees
    • Gather concerns
    • Carry out the studies

Analysis and policy directions
Fall 2004-Winter 2005

  • Meetings with the communities Inuit, Cree and Jamesian
    • Validate assessment
    • Gather comments

Transportation Plan Proposal
Date to be determined

  • Regional forum
    • Validate content of the Transportation Plan Proposal
    • Identify priorities

Transportation Plan
Date to be determined

  • Approval of Minister
    • Approval of the plan action

Follow-up of the Transportation Plan
Date to be determined

  • Follow-up process to be specified
    • Evaluate the actions undertaken

Revision of the Transportation Plan
Date to be determined

  • Process to be specified
    • Update the pertaining data, the assessment and the priorities

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Last modification of this page: 2006-04-12
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