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Assistance programs  

Air Transportation Assistance Program 


The creation of an Air Transportation Assistance Program is part of the government’s plan to maintain the regional service network and promote air transport in Québec.

With this program, the government is offering eligible applicants the means to contribute to implementing new air services to meet the needs of regional communities or new aviation niches at regional airports.  

The program includes three components:

  • Component 1 – Maintenance for Essential Air Services
  • Component 2 – Improvement of Air Services
  • Component 3 – Market Studies
Component 1 – Maintenance of essential air services

The aim of this component is to insure the financial risk of an eligible applicant during the period taken to relaunch regular air service for an abandoned service area that is deemed essential.


Ensure that essential regional air service is maintained for people living in Québec’s regions subsequent to a carrier’s abandonment of regular air services.


Eligible applicants are air carriers, organizations, cooperatives or local businesses and municipal organizations.


Budgetary balance grant offered to eligible applicants during the first year of operations, up to $400,000.
Component 2 – Improvement of air services

The aim of this component is to share the financial risk related to launching or improving regular or contract regional public air transportation services deemed essential by the community.


Improve air services and service to Québec’s region.


Eligible applicants are organizations, cooperatives or local businesses and municipal organizations.


Contribution to the creation of a fund to be used to support the new air transportation service during the start-up period.

  • Government participation: 75% of the total amount allocated to a fund, up to $200,000.
  • Local participation: minimum of 25% of the total amount of funds.
Component 3 – Market studies

The aim of this component is to support eligible applicants in their efforts to develop new markets in aviation at airports, by contributing to market studies.


  • Increase knowledge of a market prior to launching a new air transportation service.
  • Help municipal airport corporations develop new aviation niches.
  • Contribute to local concertation for planning air services offered in the region.


Eligible applicants are organizations, cooperatives or local businesses and municipal organizations.


  • For a market study targeting the development of new regular or contract air transportation services: 75% of study costs up to $37,500.
  • For a market study that aims to develop any other air market for Québec regional airports: 50% of study costs, up to $25,000.
Financial assistance application guide

This guide was designed to help applicants to prepare and present an application for a financial contribution as part of the Air Transportation Assistance Program. For each component, the objectives set out and the eligibility criteria for grants are presented. Specifications are provided for the financial contributions, project appraisal criteria and information required. Definitions and general conditions can be found at the end.

Grant application form

An applicant that wishes to submit a project must fill out the grant application form and provide the information and documents required for the appropriate component. The reimbursement application form is presented in Word format. It may be filled out on screen and saved in a folder.

The application must be sent to the Ministère des Transports du Québec at the following address:

Ministère des Transports du Québec

Direction du transport maritime, aérien et ferroviaire

Service du transport aérien

700 René-Lévesque Boulevard East 24 th floor

Québec, QC G1R 5H1

Fax: 418 646-6196

Additional information

Any other requests for information should be addressed to:

Ministère des Transports du Québec

Direction du transport maritime, aérien et ferroviaire

Service du transport aérien

Telephone: 418 643-4649


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