RégieNet On-line services

Clic Revenu

The Régie des rentes du Québec has associated itself with Revenu Québec to use the Clic Revenu, an electronic service that allows us to authenticate your identity so that you can use the Régie's personalized, on-line services. The user code assigned to you when you sign up for Clic Revenu will give you access to the services of the Régie as well as to those of Revenu Québec.

Important notice for Clic Revenu users

The Régie encourages the use of clicSÉQUR, which has been available since 2005. It is a government authentication service that will, in the near future, replace Clic Revenu as an identification method.

If you have a Clic Revenu user code, you can still use it for the time being.

Using a personalized service Clic Revenu 

Each time you select a RégieNet on-line service that requires information contained in your file at the Régie, we must authenticate your identity before giving you access. If you choose to use Clic Revenu to authenticate your identity, we will transfer you to Revenu Québec's Internet site for the authentication process.

Give your user code and password. With that information, Revenu Québec will be able to authenticate your identity.

With your permission and in a secure manner, Revenu Québec will transfer to the Régie certain information from your files at Revenu Québec (your family name, given name, date of birth and social insurance number).  We will compare that information with the information already in your file at the Régie. If all the information matches, we will give you access to the requested service. Please note that this information is already in your file at each of the 2 agencies.

Practical corner
  • Identification methods demo
  • CompuPension demo
  • Application for a retirement pension demo
Did you know that?

To use the Clic Revenu authentication services, you must have a file with Revenu Québec, that is, you must have recently filed an income tax return.

Count me in!

Your code allows you to use CompuPension, consult your statement of participation, submit an application for a retirement pension, make a change of address or change your direct deposit information.