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Planning tools

Here are 8 interesting ways to help you plan for retirement...

CompuPension  A state-of-the-art tool for estimating your retirement income using your personal information.
Planning in 5 steps Takes you step-by-step through retirement planning so that you can have a clearer idea of what to expect.
Statement of Participation Consult your Statement of Participation in the Québec Pension Plan! You will have a little more information to successfully plan your retirement!
Retirement Stakes

Try it, if you want to play a game that will increase your knowledge of retirement.

Guide to Financial Planning for Retirement Published by Question Retraite, it contains a wealth of information!
ÉducRetraite Try a series of interactive planning activities, to learn the secrets of effective retirement planning.
Information sessions You and your fellow workers can become informed on the main sources of retirement income. The Régie, in collaboration with the Institut québécois de planification financière, offers  information sessions in the workplace to tell you about financial security during retirement. Ask your employer or your union representative about this opportunity.
Flash RetirementQuébec Flash RetirementQuébec's information capsules provide you with information on all aspects of financial planning for retirement. In all, 52 capsules have been prepared by the Régie des rentes du Québec, the National Bank of Canada, Laurentian Bank of Canada and the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec-an excellent example of partnership!