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Our administration

The members of our Board of Directors are drawn from several sectors.  

Board of Directors:  

  • is responsible to the government for managing the Régie, through Ms. Michelle Courchesne, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity  
  • sets the Régie's major orientations and monitors its performance
  • assigns duties to 5 committees that support the Board in its decision-making role

The Board's 5 committees and their main duties  

Audit and Performance Committee

  • assesses the operating budget, the annual financial statements and the annual management report
  • adopts plans for internal audits
  • assesses the management framework
  • evaluates the Régie's general performance

Human Resources and Information Technology Committee

  • assesses and comments on human resources orientations
  • evaluates strategies and general orientations related to technology and system development
  • evaluates the pertinence and advantages of projects

Client Service Committee

  • adopts and ensures follow-up for the Régie's orientations for client service
  • ensures follow-up on recommendations from the Services Commissioner concerning client complaints
  • assesses and comments on the supervisory policy for supplemental pension plans and orientations for financing the costs incurred for applying the Supplemental Pension Plans Act

Investment policy committee

  • elaborates and revises the assets investment policy for the Québec Pension Plan
  • evaluates the performance of financial management activities carried out for the Régie by the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ)
  • monitors the results of the Régie's investment orientations
  • ensures follow up on the investment policy and the application of the service agreement between the Régie and the CDPQ
  • recommends to the Board adjustment plans involving the CDPQ

Governance and Ethics Committee

  • ensures the proper functioning of the Board of Directors, for example, by intervening in the member nomination process. It proposes candidates to the Minister when a member's term on the Board expires or a seat on the Board is vacant.
  • appoints members to each of the Board's committees
  • is responsible for the training given to new Board members
  • periodically revises the Board's code of ethics
  • assesses reports from the office of the General Manager related to employee ethics and deontology
