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A very special anniversary...

The Régie des rentes du Québec was created on 15 July 1965. On that date, the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan and the Supplemental Pension Plans Act, the two founding acts, were assented to. In 1971, the Régie's responsibilities increased, when family allowances became part of our mandate.

Forty years later, the Régie continues its mission of helping Quebeckers plan for the future. With this in mind, our slogan underlines how we have been "Proudly building your future for 40 years".

Ms. Michelle Courchesne, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity and minister responsible for the Régie des rentes du Québec marked the event in a message of gratitude.

Get to know us better...

As part of the activities surrounding its 40th anniversary, the Régie des rentes du Québec has prepared a 24-question quiz. The multiple-choice questions cover:

  • basic aspects of the Québec Pension Plan
  • highlights of the Régie's history
  • our products and services
  • our various missions

Find out more about the Régie by taking the quiz. It's also a great opportunity to discover our Web site. Happy exploring!

"Proudly building your future for 40 years"

Read our new 40th anniversary booklet. It paints a picture of today's Régie, briefly describes its programs and services, and outlines its development since its creation in 1965.