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Some important dates

July 1965

The Régie des rentes du Québec was created.

On 1 January 1966

After two years of discussions with the federal government, the Québec Pension Plan began operations.

Since its foundation...

The Régie has also had the mandate to administer the Supplemental Pension Plans Act. Its first responsibility was to take an inventory of the existing private pension plans and, after ensuring that they met the requirements of the law, to register them. More than 4 000 plans were registered in 1966 and 1967.

On 30 January 1967, the first pension cheque is presented to Mr. Rogers-H. Taschereau, a Québec City resident.

On 1 April 1971

The Régie was entrusted with the mandate of administering the Act respecting family allowances. In 1974, more than 900 000 families received cheques from the Régie for a total value of more than 90 million $.

In 1973

The Régie is administered by a board of directors.

Between 1979 and today

In accordance with the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan, the Régie concluded social security agreements with several countries so that a person who has worked in another country can receive retirement, disability or survivors' benefits, providing he or she is entitled to them.

Austria Barbados Chile Croatia
Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominica
Finland France Germany Greece
Hungary Ireland Italy Jamaica
Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway
Philippines Portugal Saint Lucia Slovakia
Slovenia Sweden Switzerland Turquey
United States Uruguay

In May 1982

The Régie inaugurated the direct deposit of benefits. It was among the first government agencies in Canada to offer the service to such a vast and varied clientele.

In 1984

In order to improve accessibility to services, the Régie created an information division. A new team of information clerks was trained to answer the questions of contributors and beneficiaries by phone. Now, some information clerks answer more than 1,2 million calls every year.

In 1988

The Régie undertooks its first quality approach with the "SA.CLI.Q" program, Satisfaction des clients par la qualité, under the theme "Quality the first time at lower costs."

8 April 1997

The Conseil du trésor officially designated the Régie as an autonomous services unit.

In April 2001

After coming under the provisions of the Public Administration Act, the Régie was designated as a government agency. Concretely, this resulted in the publication of a Service statement, a Strategic Plan and the application of an Accountability and Performance Agreement reached between the Régie's President and General Manager and the minister responsible, an agreement which contained a management agreement between the minister and the Conseil du trésor.

In September 2001

The Régie was awarded the Québec's quality award in the public sector category. The prize is a recognition of the Régie's efforts over the years to improve its management and the quality of its client service.

In June 2002

The Régie's completely overhauled Internet site came on line, with a new look and new content -all designed to improve our services and better inform our visitors.

In November 2003

The Régie introduces its first on-line services with RégieNet.
In the spotlight: CompuPension, a brand new tool to simulate your retirement income in order to help you make financial plans for retirement using your own personal information taken from your file at the Régie. This is made possible thanks to secure electronic methods and your personal access code (PAC).

15 July 2005

The Régie celebrates its 40th anniversary. Ms. Michelle Courchesne, the Minister responsible for the Régie prepared a message of gratitude for the occasion and we also published a booklet.

Test your knowledge of the Régie with our 40th anniversary quiz.