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The disability pension and work 

If you return to work or start to do other work, even temporarily or on a part-time basis, you are required, under the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan, to inform the Régie des rentes du Québec by telephone or in writing.

The Régie will not automatically stop paying your pension. You will have to provide certain information so that we can determine whether the conditions for receiving a disability pension are still being respected.

For example, in 2006, your total gross employment income cannot exceed 3 093 $ for a period of 3 consecutive months. If the Régie deems you to no longer be disabled following your return to work, you will still be entitled to the disability pension payments for the 3 months following the one in which you returned to work.  

Note that...

When you inform the Régie of a return to work, you must provide certain information to allow us to decide whether payment of your pension must in fact stop. This information includes: the nature and conditions of your work, your employer's name, your salary, etc. A verification will be made with your employer.

Don't forget...

If you fail to notify the Régie of any change in your situation, you may receive amounts to which you are not entitled and which you will have to repay to the Régie.

If you return to work and then become disabled again

If you return to work and then have to stop working because you are not able to continue, you will have to make a new application for a disability pension. If you are again deemed to be disabled by the Régie, there will not be a waiting period before payments begin.

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