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Filing an application

To apply for a disability pension, follow the guide!

Here are the 6 easy steps to follow:

Étape 1 Download the Application for Disability Benefits form.
Étape 2 Fill out the form on screen, making sure to follow carefully the instructions given.
Étape 3 Print the form and mail it to:
Régie des rentes du Québec
Case postale 5200
Québec (Québec) G1K 7S9
Download the Medical Report.
Étape 5 Fill out section 1 (Applicant's identification) of the Medical Report on-screen.
Étape 6 Print out the Medical Report and ask your physician to fill out the other sections. The physician will send the Medical Report to the Régie.

You must pay the fees charged by the physician for preparing the Medical Report.

You can also obtain the Application for Disability Benefits form and Medical Report form: 

  • At one of the Regie's client service centres
  • From Services Québec
  • At your Centre local de services communautaires (CLSC)
  • At the office of your member of the National Assembly

Did you know that?
In our Service Statement, we are committed to replying to an application for a disability pension within a maximum of 150 days, if the information received initially is sufficient to render a decision. However, 3 times out of 4, you will not have to wait more than 75 days.