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To promote research with persons suffering from dementia

The Conseil des aînés du Québec believes that the restrictions imposed by Article 21 of the Civil Code of Québec on research carried out with persons suffering from dementia give rise to a worrisome situation and that steps must be taken to improve this situation.
The Conseil therefore supports the document entitled "L'Article 21 du code civil et la recherche auprès des aînés atteints de démence dans les milieux de soins de longue durée au Québec : une analyse, un constat, une proposition" (Article 21 of the Civil Code and research with seniors suffering from dementia in long-term care facilities in Québec: analysis, findings, proposals). The Conseil is in favour of the proposals set forth in this document making it possible to ensure the safety of seniors incapable of giving consent while allowing research within this population.

Press release (French only)