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Businesses > Starting a business > First steps in dealing with Revenu Québec > Identification number

Identification number

When you register under the QST system, you receive a registration certificate bearing your identification number and QST registration number.

All employers must register with Revenu Québec to obtain an identification number. This number must be used for source deductions of

  • Québec income tax;
  • Québec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions.

The number must also be used for remittances of

  • employer QPP contributions;
  • the contribution to the financing of the Commission des normes du Travail (CNT);
  • compensation tax;
  • the contribution to the Fonds des services de santé (health services fund);
  • the contribution to the Fond national de formation de la main-d'oeuvre.

To obtain an identification number, complete the Application for Registration (LM-1-V) or use the electronic service Registering a new business for Revenu Québec files. For instructions on how to complete the form, see the Guide to Registration (LM-1.G-V).

If you require further information, consult the brochure Should I Register with Revenu Québec? (IN-202-V).

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