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Businesses > Source deductions and contributions > Filing RL slips

Filing RL slips

You are required to file RL-1 slips and the Summary of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions (form RLZ-1.S-V), RL-2 slips and the RL-2 summary, RLE-6 slips, RL-25 slips and the RL-25 summary by the last day of February of the following year.

Several of the RL slips on the Revenu Québec Web site are marked "Specimen." These forms cannot be printed out and used. You can obtain the slips from the Revenu Québec office in your region.

If you are registered for Clic Revenu, you can file your RL-1 slips via the Revenu Québec Web site, using the Online filing of RL-1 slips and the Summary of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions service.

RL-1 slip

The RL-1 slip is used to report:

  • salary or wages
  • tips
  • commissions
  • any other remuneration paid to an employee or a shareholder (even if the person is your spouse)

The slip is also used for reporting amounts deducted at source from these types of remuneration.

Other RL slips

RL-2 slips are used to report retirement and annuity income, RLE-6 slips to report parental insurance benefits and RL-25 slips to report income from a profit-sharing plan.

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