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Businesses > Source deductions and contributions > Québec Source Deductions > Calculation Method > Fixed rate
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Fixed rate

Use a fixed rate to calculate source deductions respecting any of the following types of remuneration:

  • bonuses or retroactive pay, where the total amount of an employee's estimated annual remuneration plus the bonus or retroactive pay does not exceed $11,950; 
  • single payments (for example, a retiring allowance); 
  • single payments from an RRSP or the portion of a single payment from a RRIF that exceeds the minimum amount, with some exceptions; 
  • income supplements paid under a government work-incentive project, other than the Return to Work Supplement sponsored by Emploi-Québec
  • payments made, other than in the course of regular and continuous employment, to a person (including a corporation) not resident in Canada for services the person performed for you in Québec; 
  • amounts paid as proceeds of disposition of the catch to a fisher who is a self-employed person, provided the fisher has completed the Election by Fishers to Have Income Tax Deducted at Source (form TP-1015.N-V).

If you pay an income-averaging annuity for artists, you must withhold a special tax. For further information, consult the Guide for Employers: Source Deductions and Contributions (TP-1015.G-V).

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