Home > Death > The liquidator of the estate > Other pensions and benefits

Other pensions and benefits

  • Other private or public agencies, like the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) or a life insurance company, could pay indemnities or pensions following a person's death.
  • Some supplemental pension plans, commonly called pension funds, also pay benefits following a member's death.
  • Amounts accumulated in a supplemental pension plan are subject to different income tax rules depending on whether they are left to the spouse, to the dependent children or to another person.

To find out more...

  • If the deceased left a spouse, you will find more information about the Régie's programs to this effect.
  • If the deceased left children, you will find more information about the Régie's programs to this effect.
  • The section What to do in the event of death (French only) on the Québec government portal tells you what you need to do following the death of a family member.

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