Home > Death > Death of a spouse > Other pensions and benefits

Other pensions and benefits

  • The death benefit is a lump-sum payment of 2 500 $. It is paid on a priority basis to the person or benevolent society that paid the funeral expenses. After 60 days, it can be paid to the heirs.
  • The death benefit is taxable and must be reported as income of the deceased's estate, regardless of the name in which the cheque was made.
  • If you take care of a minor child of the deceased, you will receive an orphan's pension. That pension is 63,65 $ a month per child, for 2006.
  • At the time of your spouse's death, you may have been receiving an indemnity from other agencies, such as the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) or from a life insurance company.
  • Certain supplemental pension plans, often called pension funds, also pay a benefit after a member dies.

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