Immigration et Communautés Culturelles Québec
Preliminary Immigration Evaluation
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Begin the evaluation

The Preliminary Evaluation for Immigration-an important 1st step!
The Preliminary Evaluation for Immigration enables you to obtain directly online a free summary evaluation of your chances of being selected by Québec. Note that this It does not , however, lead to a formal decision under An Act Respecting Immigration to Québec, but rather provides you with a positive or negative opinion from the ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles(MICC) regarding your candidacy.
Who should complete this evaluation?
Anyone wishing to immigrate to Québec to work as a paid employee or self-employed worker;
his or her spouse or de facto spouse, if applicable, who is 16 years of age or over, and is accompanying the applicant.

The applicant must commit to meet personal and family needs from the time he or she arrives in Québec and during the first few months thereafter.

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- individuals who plan to come to Québec to participate in its economic development through a job-creating business project (Entrepreneur Program), or by making a sizeable investment (Investor Program).
Important information
The Preliminary Evaluation for Immigration is completed anonymously and contains no information that could identify the applicant.

This evaluation takes into account the selection program for which you may be eligible and is based on the following seven criteria: your profile, training, work experience, knowledge of French and English, your ties to Québec and the stays you have had here in the past, an employment offer made by an employer in Québec, and information regarding the accompanying spouse or common-law spouse.
How is the evaluation completed?
The Preliminary Evaluation for Immigration must be completed in one session.
Therefore, before you start, make sure you have on hand all of the information you will need to answer the questions, as well as all information pertaining to your spouse, if applicable.
You must accurately answer all of the questions and not overstate your skills, work experience and language abilities (which will be evaluated during the official selection process). The evaluation provides tools to help you assess your levels.
To evaluate your potential directly online, simply carry out the following steps.

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Steps to follow

Begin the evaluation

Please send us your comments on how to improve this service.

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Last modifications : 2006-10-15
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