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What's new 2004

New payment calendar for 2005

To find out the payment dates for child assistance or for Québec Pension Plan benefits, consult the 2005 calendar.
21 December 2004

A travel theme for retirement planning

ÉducRetraiteis a new e-learning tool that uses a variety of interactive activities to help you plan your retirement.
14 December 2004

Status report on the Québec Pension Plan

The 2003 Actuarial Report is now available. Follow the changes in the Québec Pension Plan's reserve and look at projections of the Plan's financial viability for the next 50 years. The complete English version of the report will be available soon.
6 December 2004

Pensions are increasing!

The pensions paid under the Québec Pension Plan are indexed each year based on the increase in the cost of living. They will increase by 1,7% as of 1 January 2005. For the new amounts, see Québec Pension Plan Figures.
6 December 2004

Child assistance: The 1st payment will be made to families on 15 December

The Minister of Employment, Social Solidarity and Family Welfare, Mr. Claude Béchard, has announced that the first child assistance payment will be made early, on 15 December 2004.

1 December 2004

The Simplified Pension Plan - A pension plan made-to-measure for small businesses 

See our new information booklet on simplified pension plans (SIPPs) for information about the improvements made to the simplified pension plan in June 2004. It is now really possible for small businesses to offer pension plans to their employees.

24 November 2004

New members of the Régie's board of directors

The Québec Cabinet has named 3 new members to the Régie's board of directors: Mr. André Gingras, Mr. Younes Mihoubi and Mr. Sylvain Picard. The appointments of Ms. Nicole Brodeur and Mr. Jean-Claude Deschêne have been renewed.

22 November 2004

The Régie has its eyes peeled

Did you know that the Régie is responsible for monitoring more than 2000 supplemental pension plans covering over a million Québec workers? The Régie ensures that workers' rights and benefits are secured in accordance with the Supplemental Pension Plans Act.

17 November 2004

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

Have you started putting money aside for retirement? Among people aged 25 to 44, a mere one in six has a plan of action for retirement savings. To get a head start on retirement planning, see the advice from our experts.
2 November 2004

Talk with experts!

Go to the Cyberpresse site on Friday, 29 October between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. for a discussion (in French) on financial planning for retirement. Experts from Question Retraite will be there!

28 October 2004

Child assistance: Have you received your notice?

If you have not yet received your child assistance notice, contact us without delay!

15 October 2004

Québec's retirement system is one of the best in the world

What differentiates our financial security system for retirement from those in other industrialized countries? To find out, consult the comparative study made by the Régie.

5 October 2004

Liaison RRQ: Hot off the press!

The Régie's on-line magazine offers you a series of articles on financial planning for retirement. Think about your finances and start planning with Liaison RRQ!
5 October 2004

Are you a member of a pension committee?

The calendar of our 2004-2005 training activities is now available!

1 October 2004

Conference on defined benefit pension plans

The Régie reviewed the current funding situation of supplemental pension plans during the 11th regional conference of the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute (CPBI) (in French only).
17 September 2004

Minister visits the Régie

The minister responsible for the Régie des rentes du Québec, Mr. Claude Béchard, Minister of Employment, Social Solidarity and the Family, met yesterday with the employees at the Régie's Québec office.
17 September 2004

Child assistance: notice to parents

The Régie is currently in the process of sending (until 15 October 2004) families with children a notice informing them of the amount to which they will be entitled under the new child assistance program.

13 September 2004

Your opinion on work-family balance!

The Ministère de l'Emploi, de la Solidarité sociale et de la Famille is currently conducting an on-line consultation on the work-family balance program (in French only). You have until 8 October to participate.

9 September 2004

Good news for all families!

The Minister of Employment, Social Solidarity and Family Welfare, Mr. Claude Béchard, has launched Calcul@ide, a new Internet tool that tells you the amount of the refundable tax credit for child assistance to which you will be entitled as of January 2005. During the launch, he also took advantage of the opportunity to provide more information about the new child assistance measure.

31 August 2004

A reminder...

Until 10 September 2004, the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec will be presenting an exhibit that looks at its history. The exhibit is at the Caisse's new head office in Montréal. As the leading investor in the Caisse, the Régie des rentes du Québec has a special place in the exhibit. Don't miss it!
16 August 2004

New faces at the Régie

At its meeting on 30 June 2004, the Québec Cabinet named Mr. Pierre Prémont to the post of President and General Manager of the Régie des rentes du Québec. He will replace Mr. Guy Morneau, who will take a position at the École nationale d'administration publique. Mr. Prémont will assume his duties on 9 August 2004.
At the same meeting, Mr. Pierre Rhéaume was named Vice-President for Corporate Services at the Régie. He will assume his duties on 23 August 2004.
We extend to both of them our sincere congratulations.
2 July 2004

Follow the crowd!

Over 91% of Régie clients use direct deposit. Sign up now for this free, safe, and practical service.

30 June 2004

The Caisse de dépôt: a history of investment

From 16 June to 10 September 2004, the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec will be presenting an exhibit that looks at its history. The exhibit is at the Caisse's new head office in Montréal. As the leading investor in the Caisse, the Régie des rentes du Québec has a special place in the exhibit. Don't miss it!
23 June 2004

The Improved Simplified Pension Plan

Since 3 June 2004, simplified pension plans have been improved to better meet the needs of small business. They offer all the security of a pension plan, but now with more flexibility. (English version available soon)
4 June 2004

An advantageous partnership to better inform you!

The Régie and 5 partners, including 3 financial institutions, have joined together to better guide you in your financial planning for retirement. Complete and varied information capsules, unbiased and reliable information... flash RetirementQuébec.
31 May 2004


The Service québécois de changement d'adresse is now on-line! Use this new service to notify 6 government departments and public bodies of your new address in a single, secure operation. Fast and easy... the Net!
27 May 2004

Together... We're all winners!

That's the theme of this year's Semaine québécoise des personnes handicapées, which will be held from 1 to 7 June 2004. Find out about the week's national and regional activities.
19 May 2004

Great company...

The average number of visitors on our Internet site in the 2003-2004 fiscal year was 2 940 a day, an increase of 65% compared with 2002-2003. Our goal: to offer you information and services that will meet your needs day after day!
5 May 2004

Using your PAC

If you have received your PAC, see RégieNet for a list of the on-line services now available to you.
5 May 2004

Soon to be parents?

Consult Becoming a Parent, the new information guide from the Régie and Communication-Québec, which presents a general overview of the government programs for parents.

19 April 2004

An invaluable guide

Communication-Québec's guide entitled What to Do in the Event of Death is now produced in collaboration with the Régie! Everything you need to know in the event of death is combined into a single document.
19 April 2004

2003 Given names

Now available! Consult the List of given names to find out the most popular ones in 2003.
13 April 2004

Are you the administrator of a supplemental pension plan?

We are working on a collection of practical articles related to pension plan administration. You can keep them together in a binder for handy reference. The first instalment is available now, along with a spine insert and title sheet for your binder.
7 April 2004

New Child Assistance measure

Beginning in January 2005, as announced in the 2004-2005 Québec Budget Speech, the Régie will administer the new Child Assistance measure.

1 April 2004

Do you have a handicapped child?

The section on the allowance for handicapped children has a new look with complete information on the subject.

29 March 2004

To better understand the Act...

A version of the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan with notes and commentaries (in French only) has been added to our site.

22 March 2004

Are you separating?

To find out about partition of pension benefits under the Québec Pension Plan and employer pension plans, read our booklet on the subject.
15 March 2004

Mark it in your calendar!

Are you interested in knowing the payment dates for pensions under the Québec Pension Plan for 2004? Take a look at our table.

13 March 2004

Retirement pension sharing between spouses

To save on income tax... and provide each spouse with greater financial independence. Be informed!

5 March 2004

General consultation on the Québec Pension Plan

Public hearings on the working paper called Adapting the Pension Plan to Québec's new realities began on 24 February 2004. Some thirty groups will be heard by the National Assembly's Social Affairs Committee.
24 February 2004


It's an amazing tool for evaluating your retirement income using official information recorded in your file at the Régie. You'll get a personalized report that allows you to assess your situation so you can make decisions that are right for you and better plan for your retirement.

5 February 2004

Discover the 3rd edition of Liaison RRQ

Learn all about our practical tool for simulating retirement income, the on-line application for a retirement pension and Internet security. And, in international news, take a look at the reforms affecting the retirement plans in certain European countries. Don't miss it!
5 February 2004

New! On-line retirement pension application

You can now apply for your retirement pension on-line. In most cases, you will be able to find out immediately the starting date of your pension and the amount. It's quick, easy and smart!

26 January 2004

Watch your mail!

The Régie started mailing 2003 income tax slips on 9 January 2004 and will continue until the end of January.
19 January 2004

Agreements that may be useful for you...

Québec now has two new social security agreements that are in effect: with the Czech Republic (signed on 1 November 2003) and the Netherlands (signed on 1 January 2004).
13 January 2004