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What's new 2005

More child assistance in 2006!

On 1 January 2006, the amount of child assistance payments will be indexed. To determine the amount you could receive, consult our tables. In addition, the supplement for handicapped children will be increased to 161,50 $ a month.

20 December 2005

Are you familiar with LIRAs and LIFs?

For everything you need to know about locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs) and life income funds (LIFs), read our updated booklet.

19 December 2005

Add the following payment dates to your calendar!

Next payment: Monthly Quarterly
Child assistance 4 January 2006 4 January 2006
Québec Pension Plan pensions 29 December 2005  

Consult the payment calendar for 2006.

19 December 2005

Pensions under the Québec Pension Plan to increase

The pensions paid under the Québec Pension Plan are indexing each year based on the increase in the cost of living. Pensions currently being paid will increase by 2,3% as of 1 January 2006. For the basic information, see Québec Pension Plan Figures.

13 December 2005

Notice to professionals involved with LIRAs and LIFs

We have a new tool for you: the LIRA and LIF Off-print (French only). With its annotations, commentary and examples, this publication will help you understand the sections of the Regulation respecting supplemental pension plans dealing with locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs) and life income funds (LIFs).

9 December 2005

Supplemental pension plans under the microscope

A committee of experts is now carrying out a study of the role of pension committees and the supervisory activities of the Régie.

9 December 2005

For supplemental pension plan specialists

Chapter 7 of Supplemental Pension Plans Act and Regulations – Excerpts with Commentary (French only) is now available. Use our order form to get a print or electronic version of this new chapter entitled Transfer of benefits and assets. This tool will help you understand the Act.

1 December 2005

The Plan's future is assured

According to the most recent Actuarial Report of the Québec Pension Plan, the future of the plan is guaranteed until 2055. The Plan's reserve is approximately 23,3 billion $, so retirees for the next 50 years do not need to worry.

9 November 2005

Information sessions for businesses and social groups

Question Retraite offers free information sessions on the Québec system of financial security at retirement. Sessions are held in all regions of Québec. Check it out!

7 November 2005

A basic income for your old age

The retirement pension from the Québec Pension Plan represents 25% of the average income on which you contributed. The maximum income on which you can contribute in 2005 is 41 100 $.

3 November 2005

New section "Studies and statistics"

Our published studies and general statistics on our programs are presented in our new section “Studies and statistics”. You will also find information about the dynamic consultation service of the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) and detailed 2004 data on the Québec Pension Plan.

31 October 2005

Add these payment dates to your calendar

Child assistance
Monthly payments
Last: 3 October 2005   Next: 1 November 2005

Quarterly payments
Last: 3 October 2005   Next: 4 January 2006

Pensions under the Québec Pension Plan
Retirement, disability, orphan's, surviving spouse's
Last: 30 September 2005  Next: 31 October 2005

27 October 2005

Celebrating 40 years!

Celebrate with us and test your knowledge about the Régie by taking our quiz of 24 questions. Have fun! In addition, we invite you to read our new 40th anniversary booklet "Proudly building your future for 40 years".

26 October 2005

For better planning, follow the Guide!

The 2005-2006 edition of the Guide to Financial Planning for Retirement is now available. Follow the steps, study the examples, fill out your own calculation tables and find out how much you will have to save each year to maintain your standard of living after you retire.

24 October 2005

Quality event 2005

As a winner of the Grand Prix québécois de la qualité in 2001, the Régie has been invited to share its business practices at the Salon sur les meilleures pratiques d'affaires 2005 (in French only). This best business practices show begins on Thursday, 27 October at the Palais des congrès de Montréal.

24 October 2005

Don't miss the special section!

On Saturday, 22 October 2005, a special section on financial planning for retirement will be published in a number of daily newspapers in Québec. It is a comprehensive reference tool that will be easy to use and to keep.

20 October 2005

Watch for the Question Retraite tour!

This year, Question Retraite will be on the road throughout October to meet Quebeckers and answer questions on retirement planning. Don't miss the Question Retraite team when they visit your region (calendar in French only).

20 October 2005

"Proudly building your future for 40 years"

Read our new 40th anniversary booklet. It paints a picture of today's Régie, briefly describes its programs and services, and outlines its development since its creation in 1965.

19 October 2005

Our 40th anniversary highlighted at the National Assembly

On the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Régie, Ms. Michelle Courchesne, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity and the minister responsible for the Régie, highlighted the Régie's outstanding contribution to Quebeckers' income security. Read our press release (in French only) for details!

19 October 2005

Get ready to plan, read Liaison RRQ!

October has come to be known as Financial Planning for Retirement Month. The most recent issue of Liaison RRQ looks at retirement planning from all the angles—don't miss it!

13 October 2005

Question Retraite launches Financial Planning for Retirement Month

Question Retraite has a month full of activities devoted to financial planning for retirement. It's your turn to say, "I have a plan and I'm acting now!".

6 October 2005

You could win a 500 $ investment!

Participate in the Question Retraite contest, I have a plan and I'm acting now! You could win one of six 500 $ prizes. Enter now!

6 October 2005

Child assistance: quarterly or monthly payments

Child assistance payments are made in January, April, July and October. However, you can receive them every month if you wish. Use our new on-line service to change your payment frequency.

5 October 2005

Date of next payments

Québec Pension Plan payments: 30 September 2005
Child assistance payments: 3 October 2005

28 September 2005

Supplemental Pension Plans - Training Activities 2005-2006

There is still time to sign up for the orientation course for new pension committee members or the course on partition of benefits between spouses.
26 September 2005

Your pay and the Québec Pension Plan

Does your pay stub show a deduction marked RRQ (Québec Pension Plan)? That deduction is your contribution to the Québec Pension Plan. The contribution rate has been 9,9% since 2003. Contributions are paid in equal parts by workers and their employers. Since self-employed workers are both employer and employee, they pay the full contribution.

19 September 2005

Retirement age...

It's up to you to decide when you will retire! You are entitled to a retirement pension from the Régie as of age 60 if you stop working, but please note that the amount of your pension is calculated on the basis of the age at which you start to receive it.
19 September 2005

Temporary measures to ease the burden of funding defined benefit pension plans

For the main procedures for applying these temporary measures, see Newsletter number 19.

16 September 2005

Liaison RRQ: turning the spotlight on RégieNet services

The latest issue of Liaison RRQ presents our on-line services. Discover them now!

31 August 2005

Are you a member of a pension committee?

The calendar of our 2005-2006 training activities is now available!

31 August 2005

Appointment to the Régie's board of directors

On 17 August 2005, the government's Conseil Executif named Ms. Monique Landry to be a member of the Régie's board of directors. Ms. Landry comes to the board from the banking sector. Congratulations!

22 August 2005

Social Security Agreement with Slovakia

Québec has signed a social security agreement with Slovakia. The agreement, which is effective 1 August 2005, will allow residents of Québec who worked or lived in Slovakia to qualify for benefits, under certain conditions.
1 August 2005

Consultation on funding defined benefit pension plans

The consultation period has been extended until 30 September 2005.

21 July 2005

Happy Anniversary!

On 15 July 2005, the Régie will be celebrating 40 years of activity: an important event and a great reason to celebrate!

15 July 2005

A new section for workers

Are you looking for information about your employment situation? Take a look at the Work section, where we have new entries on first jobs, contributions to the Québec Pension Plan, supplemental pension plans, working abroad, self-employment and even more!

5 July 2005

Date of next payments

Québec Pension Plan payments: 30 June 2005

Child assistance payments: 4 July 2005

30 June 2005

Measures to ease pension plan funding

Temporary measures to ease the funding requirements for defined benefit pension plans came into force on 17 June 2005. For more information, refer to the Supplemental Pension Plans mailing list or to the press release (in French only).

24 June 2005

For pension committee members and professionals in the pension plan field

On our Web site, you will find new services just for you: the electronic annual information return, interactive questionnaires called A question of knowledge (French only) and the electronic version of Supplemental Pension Plans Act –excerpts and commentary (French only). Come back and see us again!

23 June 2005

As a member of a pension plan, do you have questions?

We have answers for you. On our Web site, you will find information and tools to make your life easier: the LIF Quick Calc, a consultation service for the pension plans that the Régie oversees and a list of financial institutions offering LIRAs and LIFs. Enjoy your visit!

23 June 2005

LIF Quick Calc: a self-service tool whose time has come

You can use this new on-line service to easily find out how much you can withdraw from your life income fund (LIF).

16 June 2005

Annual report

Would you like to find out about our results in terms of the objectives we had set out for 2004-2005? Do you want to know more about the activities carried out during that same period? Read out annual report. (French only)

16 June 2005

For supplemental pension plan specialists

Publication of Supplemental Pension Plans Act and Regulations—Excerpts with commentary (French only) has begun. This new tool will make it easier to interpret the Act. You can now subscribe to the electronic version or you can place your order for the print version of chapter 6 – Refunds and pension benefits.
15 June 2005

A new tool to make life easier!

Are you looking for information about the benefits you accumulated under your former employer's pension plan? Using our on-line service for consulting supervised pension plans, you can find the name and address of the plan's contact person.

13 June 2005

Liaison RRQ expands.

A new series of our on-line magazine is born: Liaison RRQ – Retirement Experts. Our objective is to share with you the results of our retirement experts' work. The first issue deals with seniors' economic well-being.

7 June 2005


Save time by notifying 6 government departments and public bodies of your new address in a single step. Fast and easy... the Net!

31 May 2005

To find out more about the role and responsibilities of pension committees

The second instalment in the Administering a pension plan well collection is now available. This second instalment will help pension committee members fully understand their role. It also deals with the obligations of pension committees, the liability of committee members and ways to reduce the risk of lawsuits.

26 May 2005

Consultation on funding defined benefit pension plans

The Régie des rentes du Québec is now holding a consultation on the funding of defined benefit pension plans. Individuals and groups interested in participating are encouraged to make their comments known no later than 15 August 2005.

24 May 2005

Deductions for income tax purposes

Are you receiving benefits under the Québec Pension Plan (retirement pension, disability pension or survivors' benefits)? You can ask the Régie to make deductions for income tax purposes from your payments. This will help reduce any income tax you may owe.

24 May 2005

Sign up for direct deposit

The Annual Notice on Child Assistance will be sent to all families between 18 May and 30 June 2005. The Notice will inform you of the amounts you will receive for the period from July 2005 to June 2006. Now would be a good time to sign up for direct deposit.

18 May 2005

Increase in the supplement for handicapped children

During the 2005-2006 Budget Speech, the Québec government announced an increase in the supplement for handicapped children. Starting in January 2006, the amount of the supplement will be increased by 37,50 $ a month, in addition to the indexation already planned for the beginning of 2006.

Currently, the amount of the supplement for handicapped children is 121 $ a month, regardless of the child's handicap or the family's income.

6 May 2005

Golden age for golden girls!

To learn everything you need to know about retirement financial planning for women, consult our section For Women Only.

6 May 2005

New Member of the Board!

The Cabinet has named Mr. Gérald Bourassa to the Régie's Board of Directors. He was nominated after consulting groups in the socio-economic sector.

29 April 2005

Given names in 2004

Visit our list of given names and see which ones were the most popular. Do you already have a name in mind for your new baby? Look it up on our list and track its popularity from year to year.
19 April 2005

We are committed to you

We have just updated our Service Statement. Available to all Québeckers, this booklet explains our commitment to serve you better.

5 April 2005

New content, new approach

Are you an employer, a union, a pension plan administrator, or a professional involved with retirement pensions? We have something new for you! You will be surprised by all the information you find when you click on your profile on our French home page...
5 April 2005

Notice to parents

To be entitled to child assistance for 2005-2006, you must file your 2004 Québec income tax return. This is a requirement for both spouses (in a two-parent family), even if one or both has no income to declare.

5 April 2005

Consult your Statement of Participation on-line

Your Statement of Participation is the key to careful and efficient financial planning for retirement. You no longer have to wait to receive it by mail because you can now consult it on-line.

5 April 2005

New parents? New parental insurance plan!

On 1 January 2006, the Québec parental insurance plan will begin. To find out more, visit the new plan's Internet site.

17 March 2005

New forms to make your life easier.

Spouses who are separating can now obtain forms (English version available soon) to apply for a statement of the benefits or for partition of the benefits accumulated in a supplemental pension plan. They can complete the form that corresponds to their situation and send it to the pension plan administrator.

10 March 2005

For Women Only !

The Régie has a new section, For Women Only, on its Internet site. Québec women can find all the information they need to start financial planning for their retirement that takes their life choices into account.

8 March 2005

Parents and Kids Fair

From 11 to 13 March 2005, the Régie des rentes du Québec is taking part in the Parents and Kids Fair at Promenades Drummondville. Come one, come all!

7 March 2005

File your application for a retirement pension - on-line!

Are you getting ready to file your application for a retirement pension? Use the Internet! It's simple, practical and safe!

1 March 2005

Appointment to the Cabinet

Ms. Michelle Courchesne, who has been named the Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity, is the new minister responsible for the Régie des rentes du Québec. Congratulations on the new appointments!

1 March 2005

A Liaison RRQ meant for employers

For its 6th issue, Liaison RRQ presents a series of articles which will allow employers to learn about the advantages of the new simplified pension plan. The on-line magazine will also provide information about social security agreements. Employers, it's a great chance to read and learn!

23 February 2005

Our site has had a makeover-just for you.

The new, optimized presentation make it easier for you to navigate and find information.

15 February 2005

Give your opinion about - health !

Did you know that your retirement, a conjugal separation or the birth of a child can affect your prescription drug insurance? From 14 February to 6 March 2005, test your knowledge about this subject by going to the OpinionOnHealth.com Internet site.

15 February 2005

Special issue of Liaison RRQ: a meeting with the President and General Manager of the Régie

In this issue, Mr. Pierre Prémont talks about the challenges facing the Régie. In addition, Liaison RRQ gives details on the joint identification procedure, which allows access to the on-line services of both the Régie and Revenu Québec. An issue guaranteed to start the year off right!

9 February 2005

Easier access to our on-line services.

With Clic Revenu electronic services, access to our on-line services is now easier and faster. This new way of identifying yourself is the result of a partnership between the Régie des rentes du Québec and Revenu Québec.
9 February 2005

A new search engine on the Régie's Internet site.

With our new tool, Delphes, it will now be easier for you to find the information that you are looking for. Search using phrases or key words and take advantage of the search options by date and document type. Put it to the test!

4 February 2005

Better Living With Your Money

From 28 to 30 January 2005, the Régie des rentes du Québec will be present at the Better Living With Your Money event, to be presented at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal. Come one, come all!

27 January 2005

Tribute to 1 135 000 Québec community service volunteers

Mr. Claude Béchard, Minster of Social Solidarity and Family Welfare, has announced the 8th edition of the Hommage bénévolat-Québec awards. The deadline for nominating a volunteer or a community service organization is 4 February 2005

27 January 2005

Watch your mail

Tax slips for beneficiaries will be mailed between 14 January and 21 February 2005.

18 January 2005

Parents, check your income tax deductions at source!

If you have any dependent children, check with your employer to make sure that your income tax deductions at source are correct. Significant changes were made regarding income tax credits for families in 2005. By checking with your employer, you will avoid paying additional income tax when you file your income tax return for 2005.

17 January 2005

Agreement with Republic of Turkey

A social security agreement between Québec and Turkey came into effect on 1 January 2005. The agreement allows Québec residents who have worked or lived in Turkey to qualify for benefits, under certain conditions.

13 January 2005