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CompuPension: simulating your retirement income


For whom is this service intended?

For you, if you are contributing or have previously contributed to the Québec Pension Plan (you must be between the ages of 18 and 69).

What are the advantages of this on-line service?

You will be able to:

  • find out all the income sources that you will have after retirement
  • calculate how much you need to put aside now for retirement
  • make informed decisions by comparing various possibilities
  • print your results for your personal files
  • save the information so that you can complete or change your simulation later. If you check the box for that purpose, we will keep your simulation information for 18 months.

How to use this service ?

To do the simulation, you will need:

  • your user code to authenticate your identity
  • documents related to your:
    • supplemental pension plans (pension funds)
    • most recent statement of contributions of the RREGOP, RRPE, RRE, RRF and RRCE plans, administered by the Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d'assurances (CARRA)
    • locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs)
    • RRSPs
    • personal savings for retirement, etc.

  • to know how much income you want to have during retirement. To calculate that amount:

The simulation takes less than 45 minutes. Try our demo!

Practical advice

  • Redo your simulation regularly or whenever there is an important change in your situation.
  • Discuss the results with your financial planner.

The results of the simulation are presented in today's dollars and before taxes. They depend on several factors, notably:
  • the accuracy of the information you give
  • the economic data that you choose, for example, the inflation rate

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