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Québec Pension Plan Figures

You will find below some basic information on the Plan and the maximum pensions and death benefit paid under the Plan.

Basic information 2007
Maximum Pensionable Earnings 43 700 $
Basic exemption 3 500 $
Contribution rate 9,9 %
Maximum contribution for workers (4,95 %) and employers (4,95 %) 1 989,90 $
Maximum contribution for self-employed workers (9,9 %) 3 979,80 $
Indexation rate for benefits as
at 1 January 2007
2,1 %

Maximum amounts for pensions
beginning in 2007(1)

Retirement pension  
    - age 65 863,75 $
    - age 60 (70%) 604,63 $
    - age 70 (130%) 1 122,88 $
Disability pension 1 053,74 $
Orphan's pension and pension for a disabled person's child 64,99 $
Surviving spouse's pension(2)
    - bénéfbeneficiary under age 45  

          - without dependent children, not

427,87 $

          - with dependent children, not

700,80 $

          - disabled, with or without dependent

729,84 $
    - between ages 45 and 64 729,84 $
    - age 65 or over 518,25 $

Amount for the death benefit
2 500 $
(1) Pensions calculated using the average of maximum pensionable earnings for the last 5 years.
(2) Pension calculated with respect to contributors who die in 2006 and who were not receiving a retirement pension.

Basic information 2006
Maximum Pensionable Earnings 42 100 $
Basic exemption 3 500 $
Contribution rate 9,9 %
Maximum contribution for workers (4,95 %) and employers (4,95 %) 1 910,70 $
Maximum contribution for self-employed workers (9,9 %) 3 821,40 $
Indexation rate for benefits as
at 1 January 2006
2,3 %

Maximum amounts for pensions
beginning in 2006(1)

Retirement pension  
    - age 65 844,58 $
    - age 60 (70%) 591,21 $
    - age 70 (130%) 1 097,95 $
Disability pension 1 031,02 $
Orphan's pension and pension for a disabled person's child 63,65 $
Surviving spouse's pension(2)
    - bénéfbeneficiary under age 45  

          - without dependent children, not

418,54 $

          - with dependent children, not

685,86 $

          - disabled, with or without dependent

714,30 $
    - between ages 45 and 54 714,30 $
    - between ages 55 and 64 716,31 $
    - age 65 or over 506,75 $

Amount for the death benefit
2 500 $
(1) Pensions calculated using the average of maximum pensionable earnings for the last 5 years.
(2) Pension calculated with respect to contributors who die in 2006 and who were not receiving a retirement pension.

Québec Pension Plan Figures - Archives

Did you know that?

Your Statement of Participation tells you how much you have contributed to the Québec Pension Plan since you began working.