Home > Our services > On-line services > LIRAs and LIFs > LIF Quick Calc

LIF Quick Calc


For whom is this service intended?

For you, if you:

What are the advantages of this on-line service?

You will be able to:

  • find out how much life income or temporary income you can draw from your LIF
  • evaluate your withdrawal and other options, based on your age
  • use the results to help choose your financial strategies

Which LIFs are included in the service?

  • The service includes the LIFs subject to the Supplemental Pension Plans Act.
  • The service does not include the LIFs subject to another law, for example, those under federal jurisdiction.


  • Neither the Régie des rentes du Québec nor your financial institution receives any of the data entered.
  • The simulation tool calculates the life income and temporary income you can draw for a given year based on the information that you enter. The income that your financial institution pays to you may be different if:
    • the data used for the calculation is incorrect
    • tax is withheld
    • the terms of your contract include fees.

  • The calculations are made for the current year. They may be made for the following year if the reference rate (calculated using statistics on interest rates) is known.
  • Before applying for a temporary income from your financial institution, be sure that your contract includes a temporary income option.