Desjardins Web site accessibility

Desjardins aims to continually improve accessibility to its Web site for people with disabilities, and intends to carry out these improvements gradually. To this end, several Priority 1 and 2 checkpoints recommended by the Web Accessibility Initiative have already been implemented:

  • Navigation and presentation mechanisms are used in a consistent manner throughout the site.
  • Header elements (H1, H2 tags, etc.) make the document structure easier to understand.
  • The main blocks of information are divided in order to make viewing easier.
  • Clear and simple language is used.
  • The destination of each hyperlink is clearly indicated.
  • Relative size fonts allow for easier text enlargement.
  • A CSS style sheet guarantees uniform presentation on the site, but the pages can still be read if the style sheet is deactivated.
  • Most non-text elements (images, symbols, etc.) have a text equivalent (ALT tag). A text navigation bar at the bottom of the page supplements the graphical navigation bar.
  • Contrasting colours are used for background and text.
  • All information conveyed by colour is also available without colour.
  • The screen does not blink or move, and pages are not redisplayed unless activated by the user.
  • A site map is provided.

Most of the content of the Desjardins Web site, therefore, is accessible to users who navigate with Lynx and JAWS, browsers commonly used by people with visual disabilities.

Money working for people