
Go to the Online security section to find out how we ensure the security of your transactions. The section also includes information on various types of fraud and how to protect yourself.

The Desjardins Group and the subsidiaries of Desjardins Group participating in this site adhere to very strict and rigorous security standards.

Every precaution has been taken to ensure that information concerning you and transmitted to us whenever you use secured areas of the site or such as transactional services, online application forms, and e-mail registration forms, is protected against error, loss or unauthorized access.

Despite these precautions, you must implement the personal security measures recommended on this site in order to maintain optimal protection when you surf the site or any other Internet site.

With respect to the security of your Desjardins access card and your personal identification number (PIN), refer to the FAQ in the "Help and technical support" section of

· Online transactional services     · Security icon
· Firewall     · e-mail
· Online applications     · Passwords (AccèsD, AccèsD Affaires)
· Personal security measures     · Terminating a session (AccèsD, AccèsD Affaires)

Online transactional services

The rules governing our online transactional services reflect the highest standards of the banking industry and comply with the Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector.

Click here for more details on the protection of personal information on

All transactions conducted as part of our online transactional services are encrypted during secure-environment sessions to protect the confidentiality of data exchanged between the Desjardins mainframe and the browser used with your computer. That's why AccèsD or AccèsD Affaires services are only accessible if you use use the most recent versions of Netscape and Microsoft Explorer that support the SSL2, 128-bit protocol.

Find out how to update your browsers.

SSL is an acronym that refers to Secure Sockets Layer, the protocol that permits authentication and data encryption between a Web server and browser. It provides a secure channel for the exchange of data that can only be decoded by authorized persons.


Access to is controlled by a firewall, among other security measures. A firewall is a security mechanism that filters attempts to access an Internet in order to head off any unauthorized attempts or intrusions.

Online applications

Once completed, the online forms you submit to obtain a financial product or service or to receive customized e-mail are stored on the server located at This means the forms are secure and no data they contain can be intercepted by a third party.

Moreover, when you request products offered by our subsidiaries, your applications are forwarded by means of a secured link to the subsidiaries' servers. As a result, regardless of the subsidiary to whom the forms are forwarded, no data they contain can be intercepted by a third party.

Personal security measures

I- General precautions

Security icon

Be sure you always surf in a secure environment when transmitting confidential data. When you don't see a security icon (closed padlock) displayed on your PC or wireless device (if the latter offers this functionality), or when you notice an open padlock, this means the security of any Internet transaction or data transmission cannot be guaranteed and could be intercepted by a third party.

The location of the security icon varies according to the browser. Explorer browsers display the security icon in the status bar on the lower right hand side of the screen.

Netscape browsers display a closed padlock icon in the navigation bar, in the upper part of the screen.

Once you've located the padlock, click on it to display the certificate attesting to the site's security. On it you should be able to find the site's owner (ex: as well as the certificate validity period.


The messages you send via e-mail or to the Contact us section of, the "Send us an e-mail" section of AccèD or from elsewhere in Web sites are not, generally speaking, secured during transmission. It is therefore important not to include any personal or confidential information in such messages.

Desjardins cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from the interception, loss or modification of any e-mail message you send using these sections.

II -Specific security precautions when using AccèsD or AccèsD Affaires services


  • The first time you use AccèsD service, choose a password to replace the one you were assigned initially. You will therefore be the only one to know this password.
  • Select a password that is easy to remember. For AccèsD, the password will comprise between 6 and 12 characters, the first three of which must be numbers. The remaining characters must include at least one letter. For AccèsD Affaires, the password must have a minimum of six characters, including at least one letter and one number.
  • Avoid sequences that are too obvious (e.g., 1,2,3) or passwords based on personal data. And never use part of your credit card PIN number.
  • Never disclose your password to anyone else.
  • Don't save your password in your computer's memory.
  • Don't write your password down on a piece of paper.
  • Finally, to ensure maximum security, change your password on a regular basis.

Terminating a session

It is important to terminate your session once you've finished using AccèsD or AccèsD Affaires, whenever you must momentarily step away from your computer workstation, or else when you leave your wireless device unattended.

To end a session securely, you must click on Log off, clear your cache memory and close your browser.

This security procedure is particularly important if the PC from which you conduct your transactions is shared with other users.

1. Log off

We recommend you terminate your session by clicking the Log off button that is located in the upper right corner of the screen. In AccèsD Affaires, you must also respond to a second prompt, confirming your intention to log off.

2. Clear cache memory

Cache memory is a temporary memory in your PC or wireless device used to locally store information that you accessed during a session. When you need to retrieve this information, your computer or wireless device gets it from the cache memory rather than from main memory where it was originally stored. Cache memory thus speeds up the retrieval and display time for information you consult while browsing.

At the end of your AccèsD or AccèsD Affaires session, you could therefore have personal financial data in your PC or wireless device cache memory. To protect the confidentiality of such information, make sure that you clear the cache memory at the end of each session.

How to clear your computer's cache memory

If using Netscape Navigator 4.x:
  • In the Edit menu, click on Preferences;
  • Double-click on Advanced to display sub-categories.
  • Select Cache;
  • Click on Clear Memory Cache, then on OK to locally delete files from your memory cache.
  • Click on Clear Disk Cache, then on OK to delete files in your disk cache memory.
  • Click on OK to go back to the browser.
If using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x:
  • In the Tools menu, click on Internet Options.
  • Click on the General tab.
  • In the Internet Temporary Files section, click on the Delete Files button.
  • Click on OK to return to the browser.
If using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x:
  • In the Tools menu, click on Internet Options.
  • Click on the General tab.
  • In the Temporary Internet Files section, click on the Delete Files button.
  • Click on OK to go back to the browser.
If using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1.x for Mac OS 8.1 to 9.x:
  • In the Edit menu, click on Preferences.
  • Double-click on Web Browser to display the sub-categories.
  • Select Advanced.
  • Click Empty Now.
  • Click on OK to return to the browser.
If using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.2.x for Mac OS X:
  • In the Explorer menu, click on Preferences.
  • Double-click on Web Browser to display the sub-categories.
  • Select Advanced.
  • Click Empty Now.
  • Click on OK to return to the browser.

3. Close the browser.

Closing the browser is the simplest and most secure way of terminating your session as it deletes stored information, which ensures that your data cannot be accessed.

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