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Individuals > Your situation > Students and teachers > You are your own boss!
Students and Teachers 

You are your own boss!

Upon joining the work force, many follow an employer's orders, in return for remuneration. That makes them "employees."

However, maybe you would rather pursue a dream or a project you have had in mind for some time. If that's the case, you have another option–starting your own business!

If you choose this path, there are three possibilities–a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation. Your obligations toward Revenu Québec and the extent of your liability for business debts will vary, depending on which type of business you choose.

  • Starting a sole proprietorship
    It is very likely that you will create a sole proprietorship since it has the most simple structure–one owner, you!
  • Starting a partnership
    However, if you wish to start a business with one or more other persons, you may create a partnership instead. A partnership, unlike a sole proprietorship, allows you to have partners.

It is not very likely that you will start a corporation (also known as a "legal person" or "company") because it is very complex. Nevertheless, if you believe that this type of business suits you, visit the Starting a business section.

You should find out about the various assistance programs available for business start-ups. Also, see the publication New Businesses and Taxation (IN-307-V).

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