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Luna and the leaden hooves

Luna and the leaden hooves

A scorching wind swept across the planet Luna, melting the leaden hooves of almost every creature. "How dreadful!" "What a catastrophe!" "What can we do?" The situation was all the more serious as most Lunians were soon floating in the sky like helium balloons that had been cut loose and would at any moment be blown away into interstellar space.

"It's Eola the Witch!" cried Great Orion. "She must be peeved with us again!"

Great Orion, Supreme Ruler of Luna and of all Lunians, was not amused. "Everyone must have new leaden hooves at once! Our people's survival is at stake!"

Silver Star, the People's Treasurer, had already done the math. "Great Orion," she said, "the cost of replacing the leaden hooves will be very high. We must levy a tax immediately."

The Supreme Ruler then called out to all the floating Lunians, asking them to drift toward the Sea of Clouds to hear him speak. Everyone agreed with the idea of a tax. Everyone, that is, except Cosmic Heel, the cobbler-blacksmith. Cosmic Heel was one of the very few whose hooves had not melted in the burning wind. "Put yourself in my shoes," Cosmic Heel protested. "My hooves are fine. Why should I pay for the hooves of others? I won't get anything for my money!"

The Supreme Ruler answered: "Cosmic Heel, was it not thanks to the taxes paid by all Lunians that you received care at the hospital when you broke your ankle? And was it not thanks to everyone's contribution that you were able to learn your trade at the High School of Luna? And what have you to say about the FST? Without the family security tax, your wife Crescent-Moon could never have taken maternity leave to care for tiny Crinkle-Dipper, your newborn child. Think, Cosmic Heel! Yesterday, you needed the help of your fellow-creatures. Today, they need your help. Is this not a question of justice? And solidarity?"

Cosmic Heel did indeed think. And his thoughts told him that the Supreme Ruler was right. "Great Orion," he said, "I have no wish to be a deadbeat Lunian! Here is my contribution."

This, then, is the story of how the creatures of Luna came down from the sky and escaped the horrible fate of weightlessness. Of how Cosmic Heel came to invent a new type of hoof that neither sun, nor wind, nor microwave could destroy. And of how all the Lunians recovered their peace of mind.

All the Lunians, that is, except the Supreme Ruler. Having been burned once, Great Orion forever after felt his toes tingle when the warm winds blew.

Questions for students

Now that you have read the story, perhaps you can answer the following questions.

  1. In the story of the planet Luna, who represents the government?

  2. What happened to the Lunians' hooves?

  3. Why did the Supreme Ruler of Luna want to levy a new tax?

  4. Why is it so important for Cosmic Heel and his fellow-Lunians to pay the new tax?

Questionnaire for teachers

The following questions can be used to guide class discussion.

  • In your opinion, were the Lunians in a desperate situation? 
  • Was Silver Star right to suggest that the Supreme Ruler should levy a new tax? 
  • What do you think of Cosmic Heel's protests? Was he right? 
  • Great Orion gave several reasons to convince Cosmic Heel that he should pay his share. Do you think the reasons were good? 
  • Could the Supreme Ruler of Luna have saved his people without creating a new tax? 
  • Explain what taxes are (in your own words). 
  • On planet Earth, you have direct access to services that the government provides in exchange for taxes. Name as many of these services as you can!
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