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Home > Information Center > Tax News > Tax News 2006 > Fourth quarter > Information to support claims for ITCs and ITRs

Fourth quarter 2006

GST - QST Information to support claims for ITCs and ITRs

Agents must fulfil a certain number of legal obligations with respect to the keeping of books, records and related supporting documents. For example, to claim input tax credits (ITCs) and input tax refunds (ITRs), agents must submit the information shown in the table below. However, Revenu Québec does not require a special invoice for GST and QST purposes.

If you are a GST and QST registrant, you must determine the amount of your ITCs and ITRs on the basis of the taxes applicable to the property or services you purchased. You must ask your suppliers to provide you with the information necessary to support your claims for ITCs and ITRs.

If you have customers that are registrants, they may ask you to provide them with such information to support their claims for ITCs and ITRs.

Information required on invoices to support claims for ITCs and ITRs

Information requiredTotal amount of invoice less than $30Total amount of invoice between $30 and $149.99Total amount of invoice $150 or more
Name or business name of supplier1XXX
Date of invoiceXXX
Total amount of invoiceXXX
Amount of taxes2


QST only

Registration numbers of supplier (or intermediary) for GST and QST purposes XX
Name or business name of purchaser  X
Terms of payment  X
Description of property or service


QST only


QST only


1. May also be an intermediary.

2. Even if GST and QST are included in the price, the amount of each tax must be entered on the invoice. The invoice must also indicate that the GST and QST are included in the price.

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