Home > Pension administrator > Training

The Régie des rentes du Québec will train you, inform you and guide you

Training: A program that meets your expectations

The Régie offers pension committee members training activities to help them learn the basic information needed to help them administer a pension plan. Please note that all training activities are given only in French.

Our training activities:

Training courses

The 2006-2007 training schedule is available. Consult our calendar of activities.

The Guide for Pension Committee Members: helping committee members participate fully in the administration of the pension plan

The Guide is published by the Régie specifically to help in the training and introduction of new pension committee members.

The Guide is useful in many ways...

  • it helps committee members carry out their duties
  • it provides information about the role of pension committees and their members
  • it informs members of their rights and the rules of conduct they must follow

The Régie suggests

That if you do not already have a copy, you should obtain the Guide for Pension Committee Members, whether you are a new member of a pension committee or an old pro who has many years of experience.

The collection, Administering a pension plan well

This collection offers guidelines aimed at helping pension committees to perform their role in a competent and prudent manner. You will find ways for improving the administration of pension plans, protecting the members of pension committees and increasing members' and beneficiaries' trust.

The instalments included in the collection will provide practical information on various aspects of administering a pension plan. You will find a variety of subjects, including: the basic principles for sound management, the role and responsibilities of pension committees, how pension committees work and the key players in plan administration. The collection is being published as a series of instalments, which began in Spring 2004.

This collection completes the Guide for Pension Committee Members. It will also be used as a reference document in the context of the Régie's training program in order to assist new members of pension committees in acquiring basic knowledge.

Did you know that?
Almost 525 000 workers are members of a supplemental pension plan supervised by the Régie and 785 000 are members of plans supervised by another authority, for example, the Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d'assurance (CARRA).