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Do you want to set up a plan?

To make it easier to recruit employees and to be able to keep them in your company, there is a proven method: set up a pension plan!

67% of workers would prefer the establishment of a pension plan over an increase in pay.

Source: A survey carried out in December 2003 by SOM for Question Retraite and the Régie des rentes du Québec that questioned 1 741 non-retired respondents aged 25 to 64, of which half were not members of a pension plan.

An investment for forward-looking entrepreneurs!

Setting up a pension plan adapted to you company's financial means and to the needs of your employers is a sure way to contribute to the company's success and its corporate image.

Click on the plan of your choice and get ahead of the game!

The simplified pension plan (SIPP) - A plan made to measure for small businesses. A true but flexible plan with concrete advantages, both for you as the employer and for your employees.

The defined contribution plan and the defined benefit plan - Two types of pension plan that are suited to the needs of large businesses.

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Did you know that?

67% of workers preferred to participate in a pension plan rather than receive a wage increase.